

on 4/28/09 7:32 am
i had a fill in March which brought my band to 7 ccs this was on a monday i had to go back by that friday and have .5 cc taken out because it was to tight.  well one month later i went back to have the .5cc put back in and now its not to tight, has this happend to anyone else.? just seems weird that one month i can't eat and then the next i can.....
on 4/28/09 8:30 am
I am going through the same thing right now.  I am at 6.5 cc's and had an appointment on Monday.  I wasn't sure if was going to get a fill or not.  I have some restriction most of the time, but sometimes very loose, but sometimes a little tight.  And I have even experimented wtih the same foods at the same time and had different levels of restriction day by day?  My Dr. wanted me to wait until my one year mark on June 3rd so I said OK but June 3rd turned into July 10th so I was kind of freaking out.  I am anxious to have this band just right and then today it was loose in the morning but very tight since about 3:00??  I don't get it either.

It may be that you had lost weight from one month to the next and that caused it to be looser, hence making the fill just right?  Fickle little band!

on 5/4/09 2:26 am
Got A fill; Tuesday last week.  I have 7.5 cc and reached what is discribed as the sweet spot.  I eat 1/3 to 1 cup and thats it.  When I try to eat from head hunger, 1 bite and I loose interest.  The creacing is just not there.  I promissed myself that if this changes I will go back for a quick fix.  I have heard that the body can loose weight in the stomach region and allow more food to flow.  Yes things can change.  Good luck ,Chuck
on 5/4/09 6:46 am
I'm just glad to read that you can take 1 bite and lose interest.  I need to lose interest!!!!!

I have somewhere between 7 and 7.5 c.c.'s.  I'm going for a fill next Wednesday, I sure I get it this time.

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