
How do you stop loosing when hit goal weight?

on 4/26/09 12:51 am - AL
I hit my goal weight. And I am eating 4-6 oz. lean proteins meats, eggs, low fat cheeses, low fat yogurts, beans, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. On most days I may substitute 1 meal with a protein shake, when I am in a hurry it is convenient. I get in 10, 8oz. glasses of water a day sometimes 12, 8oz. glasses of water. I do not eat any breads, pasta's or anything of the whites. But I really never have been a bread, or pasta person even before WLS. My food addiction (drug of choice if you will)  choice has always been and was cakes, cookies, ice creams, pies, and fast foods. 
I am always trying new healthy food items, & or new healthy recipes. Sometimes I like the new food or recipe, and sometimes I don't like it, and won't eat it again. But at least I tried it.
I food journal daily. I get 80-90g protein, some days 900-1100 calories, I currently get my carbs through natural fruits. I love my fruits.
My goal weight has always been 115 lbs, as of this morning I weigh 113.6 lbs.
I am 5'0 feet tall, or short lol. My clothes size went from 20 to 3/4's, and 1x shirts to small.
My bmi is 22.1, body fat % is 21%. I feel healthy, happy, and fit now. I do Curves strength training only 3 days a week, and do cardio only 2, sometimes 3 days (if I feel like getting some cardio in). I am 11 1/2 mths post op. My next Dr's appt., and 1 year class is 5/27/09.
I like how I look and feel now. I don't want too look too thin, or skeleton like. 

What do I need to do now to maintenance, and NOT TO GAIN BACK, AND NOT TO LOSE ANYMORE WEIGHT? 
Any advice is welcomed, Thank you in advance for your responses, and advices.

Highest:220 lbs ~Surgery:180 lbs DOS:5/13/2008 ~Current:115.0 lbs ~Goal:115 lbs



on 4/26/09 7:49 am
well, first thing is "congratulations"!  
second thing is ,  "I can't wait to be asking the same question"!!

All I can advise is that when folks doing Weigh****chers reach their goal, they are encouraged to increase their portion size (points value) of healthy foods by 100 - 200 calories per day and monitor for a week.
If they lose after that, they increase by 100 cals more per day, if they gain, they reduce calories.

For me -- my trigger foods are the same as yours, so I would definitely not incorporate any types of additional sweets if you have already worked to eliminate your cravings for those foods.

I would consider increasing protein by an ounce or 2 at each meal, or replacing skim milk with 1 or 2% or replacing fat-free salad dressings with more calorie dense ones.

It may be that your doctor will want to slightly unfill you at your visit next month.

Best of luck to you!

on 4/26/09 8:39 am - AL
Thank You Kath, those all sound like really good, and sensible advice. I am not sure of how, or what I am going to start yet doing. I really want to think, and figure, and sort this all out before I decide to doing anything that may hurt my progress. That's why I was hoping to maybe find out from other banders, that may have hit their goal weight, maintained it and of what their experiences have been, even though I know everybody is different. Thanks again

Highest:220 lbs ~Surgery:180 lbs DOS:5/13/2008 ~Current:115.0 lbs ~Goal:115 lbs



on 4/26/09 10:04 am
there is alot more activity on the Lap Band board -- so, you might want to post over there.
there seem to be more 'long-term'ers' over there, also

I am curious to see how people respond to your request

Michael Eak
on 4/26/09 6:24 pm - Largo, FL
You need to see your Surgeon & Primary Doctor. The Primary to for Blood work and at the Surgeon's office they'll take just a little bit of the saline out of you band. And wait to see when you stablize or gain. Then either take a little more out of re-fill just a bit so your not losing but not gaining.
Open RNY 5/10/06 and now
Laparoscopic Realize Banding. 4/21/09
9/1/09 I've rec'd 4 fills and lost 86 lbs. so far.
Check the www.obesitynomorefl.com Website Calender.
on 4/27/09 12:18 pm - Jackson, AL

Congratulations! You've done an awesome job!

I agree with Michael. Go to your surgeon or primary care physician and let them know that you do not want to loose any more weight. If you aren't able to maintain your weight at your present fill level then they can remove a smidge of juice and let you work with that level to make sure it keeps you where you need to be. Even maintenance requires follow up and communication with your surgeon. Just realize that your weight will fluctuate and don't panic if you do gain a few pounds if your fill level changes or just in general even. Keep using your band as a tool. You're certainly an inspiration to all of us!


on 5/22/09 12:45 am
you can add another meal or two each day and up your daily calories. maybe add 4 or 500  calories over what youve been eating. then see if you just maintain youre weight.
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