
One Week Post-Op with Pain under Diaphragm

on 4/23/09 8:52 am - CA

I had WLS last Thursday and at first I was feeling really intense gas/bloating...so much so that I have yet to be able to drink the required # of shakes / fluids.  A few days ago the bloating started to subside and I'm realizing it's more of a pressure pain just under my diaphragm/ribs.  Makes it hard to sleep at night.  Hurts more when I am slouching or moving around too much. 

Called my MD last night who suggested going to the ER, just to check it all out.  10 hours later, Cat Scan reveals no apparent slippage or blockage.  Diagnosed "acute gastritis."  Heartburn??  I'm not sure I'm buying it.  This feels like more like a physical issue than an acid issue.

The ER MD also said it's so soon post-op, that this may just be residual inflammation.   Hope that's the case!  I made appt w/my own doc for tomorrow morning.  Perhaps he can shed some light.

But I wanted to ask if any of you had this issue.  If so, what did they say it was?  Did it go away?  I can hang with discomfort for a few weeks if I know it's going to dissipate eventually!! 

Anyway, I appreciate any feedback/advice you have for me.  Thanks!

on 4/23/09 8:57 am - Sherwood, AR

Hope it goes away soon and you can get to feeling better.

I do not recall any pain in that area or to that degree but I did not have the gas and bloating that many bandsters mention.

on 4/23/09 9:19 pm - hopatcong, NJ
please let us know the outcome.

good luck
on 4/27/09 12:34 pm - CA
just wanted to follow up.  i went to my 1 week post op appt and my doctor agreed with the ER MD -- that this was in fact localized gastritis and inflammation resulting from that heartburn.  he prescribed prevacid and sucralfate and things are much better.  thank goodness!

on 4/29/09 12:52 am
Glad you are feeling much better!
on 5/21/09 8:09 am
i had terrible gas and bloating for about a month. also caused diaphram pain. i took anti gas pills like candy ,but it clearred up about a month out.
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