

on 4/22/09 10:57 am
For the last 30-45 minutes I've had something stuck.  I've thrown up,and slimed for most of this time.  I called my doc and he said "you've got something stuck don't eat or drink anything and if your not better by morning we need to see you.  I don't know if I can slime and throw up all night.  Oh yeah he said take small sips of water every 20 minutes or so.  Is this all I can do??? please help
on 4/22/09 12:39 pm - Jackson, AL
Get a hot diet coke or other beverage that is really fizzy and take a good sip of it. Swallow it immediately once it gets in your mouth (without swallowing air). The fizz will move the food around in your pouch and should help to give you relief. It will either bring it up or help it move into a position that it will slip down thru your band. You may have to have more than one sip to get it all up. I've done this several times and it was recommended to me by my surgeon's office. Water generally causes more of a traffic jam in your pouch and will increase your sliming. I hope this helps! 

on 4/23/09 12:05 am
Thanks for the advice.  I wonder if I will ever get this right?  I had been so careful the past couple of weeks, because I was having such discomfort when I was eating.  I am so disappointed in myself that I got stuck. Do you worry when you get stuck and have to throw up that you will damage something or cause a slip?

on 4/23/09 12:55 pm - Jackson, AL
No problem Sharon. I hope it helped! Are you better now? Being stuck is a really bad feeling. I hate it when it happens. It is so miserable!

I just want to say that I would never suggest drinking anything carbonated except in cases of emergency like that. That is a tip from my surgeon's office, not one from me myself. You're not actually drinking the beverage, you are using it to bubble out your pouch... sort of like you would use peroxide to bubbble dirt out of a wound. The sip that you're taking most likely won't even get down into the pouch before it brings up the other food.

I used to really worry about messing up my band but now I realize that it would most likely take alot more than what has happened so far to do any real damage.

You have no reason to be disappointed in yourself! This is going to happen to everyone at some point or another. And really, when you have food that is stuck and it comes up, you're not really throwing up because what's coming up never really got down into your stomach to begin with. I think if you were bringing something up from the lower portion of your stomach, thru your band and into your throat it would probably be a bad thing.

I'm pretty sure that we will both have episodes with stuck food or intolerances in the future but I know I certainly don't look forward to it! 
on 4/23/09 11:36 pm, edited 4/23/09 11:37 pm - london, AZ
On April 23, 2009 at 7:55 PM Pacific Time, Officegirlblues wrote: No problem Sharon. I hope it helped! Are you better now? Being stuck is a really bad feeling. I hate it when it happens. It is so miserable!

I just want to say that I would never suggest drinking anything carbonated except in cases of emergency like that. That is a tip from my surgeon's office, not one from me myself. You're not actually drinking the beverage, you are using it to bubble out your pouch... sort of like you would use peroxide to bubbble dirt out of a wound. The sip that you're taking most likely won't even get down into the pouch before it brings up the other food.

I used to really worry about messing up my band but now I realize that it would most likely take alot more than what has happened so far to do any real damage.

You have no reason to be disappointed in yourself! This is going to happen to everyone at some point or another. And really, when you have food that is stuck and it comes up, you're not really throwing up because what's coming up never really got down into your stomach to begin with. I think if you were bringing something up from the lower portion of your stomach, thru your band and into your throat it would probably be a bad thing.

I'm pretty sure that we will both have episodes with stuck food or intolerances in the future but I know I certainly don't look forward to it! 

. If things needed to be resolved then initiative needs a support to be sorted out.


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on 4/23/09 3:58 am - IL
hot tea will work.....it does for me...try and not dring soda cold or warm   it is the carbonation that will other the band.....trust me!
small sips of hot tea and put a heating pad on the band area...it should clear....
good luck lori
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