

on 4/24/09 2:04 am

Hi BoxerGirl
I go to Doctor Roye's partner, Dr. Ryder.  I went back to her two weeks after surgery and she told not to be surprised if I don't lose any more weight until I get a fill.  Maybe once you get your fill, you will start losing again.

on 4/24/09 2:28 am - Canada
Thanks guys, your responses were really helpful!! I know it will take a while, I know losing 24lbs is alot for 6 weeks and my body needs to adjust. I'm still pissed that the Realize Band seems to take a lot longer to get restriction. I'm just going to work my butt off at the gym and hopefully ill see some results :)


Surgery 3/17/2009
Surgery weight 277
Current weight 202
Goal weight
Total lost so far: 75lbs

7.75cc's in a 9cc band
"Starting to gain control in a world full of chaos!"


on 4/26/09 10:13 pm
Just keep on doing what you are doing - and you are doing great.  I look at the last 10 months as a learning experience and practice for the rest of my life.  I also went through periods where I did not lose at all and I did not really have any restriction until about 5.5 ccs and it was a long haul.  there have even been times when I gained a pound or two in a week.  Talk about freaking out.  I'm doing everyting right and a gained!!!!  So I just try now not to get too worked up and as long as I'm doing what I'm supposed to do I try not to stress too much.  

Just think of all the good habbits you are making now that will last a lifetime.  it seems that Dr. Roye fills a little bit slower than others I have seen on the boards, but I completely trust him 100%.  This process has given me a great sense of pride that I have worked hard to get it.  Keep up the exercise, eat your protein, drink your water and you will definately see results. 

You are doing great.  There will be bumps in the road but you have 25 lbs. gone forever!!!


on 4/26/09 11:28 pm
Hi Jen
i'm new to the group. considering having my 14 year old morbidly obese son have lap band surgery this summer. Difficult to watch him struggle with teenaged stuff while being obese. Low self esteem, teasing about his weight, unable to participate in sports that he loves because he cant run and gets out of breath too easily. yuck. any advice? i am also obese and lately i have been thinking it would be better for me to have the surgery first so that i know the routine and can help him better when he has his surgery. any opinion? thanks, joan
(deactivated member)
on 4/27/09 4:04 am - jaipur, India
friend's i read your comment's and post's it's very nice and i improve my more knowledge and information and if u don't mind i ask u tell something i want to know more info. about this if u plz help me them give me more information i am thankfull to you dear thank's..................


Iowa Drug Treatment Centers
on 4/26/09 11:37 pm
Hi There,
dont have any advice for you as i am only now considering a lap band. Can you tell me whether or not the different types of bands mean different weight loss experiences? Do you lose faster on one type of band than another? Many Questions. Any advice? thanks, joan
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