
I got a date!!!

on 4/27/09 2:45 am
Nikki- I have definately learned that you can't call there too much. I actually talked to Dr. Lidor's coordinator today about something else and she implied that she'd have a date on the 11th - we'll see. Let me know what going on with you before surgery - I'm curious what the pre op appointment is like. I read so much that people do tons of tests preop (even prior to approval)but I haven't done anything at Hopkins. I'm going to try to be realistic since you switched before me my date may be later than yours. I talked to Tara(the NP) at the support group in early April and she said at that time Dr. Lidor was booked out the least of the remaining 3- so we may be close.

on 4/29/09 3:34 am - Thurmont, MD

That would be awesome to go in on the same date and have someone in there with you that you know. Maybe you should call and put a bug in their ear to do your on June 5th too. LOL. I got the paperwork for all my pre-op, I have to have an EKG (can do that in the office), some blood work and a chest x-ray and an office visit for a physical. No liquid diet before, just nothin after midnight. But Dr. Steel wanted me to do a liquid diet two weeks before, Dr. Schweitzer doesn't do that for some reason...Keep me updated for when  you get your date!!! Good luck!!!!

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