
1/2 cup of food

on 4/17/09 12:23 pm - MS
RNY on 10/24/12
Has anyone found there sweet spot and is only able to eat a 1/2 cup of food per meal with no snacking in between  like they promised?
on 4/17/09 1:36 pm
Hi, I love your name...

Bringing MC Hammer out of retirement...too cute...

Well i have 5'cc in my band for about 2 weeks now. I definatly have been able to eat approx 1/2 cup of food and be satisfied.  I havent been snacking because im drinking water 1 hour after eating, then like 30 mins after the water I might eat  like a small snack..turkey jerky,string cheese. Just chewing really well.. Good luck to you..

..dont know if i have my sweet spot.. but i hope this is it..it feels great...
on 4/17/09 1:39 pm - MS
RNY on 10/24/12

Thanks!  I don't know what I was thinking when I picked that name.  Just randomly thinking I guess

on 4/18/09 5:08 am

I posted a similiar question.  Thanks for the information.

on 4/19/09 9:48 pm - Jackson, AL
I am at 14 months out of surgery and a smidge over 7 cc's. I can't hold a 1/2 a cup of anything solid. Also very little snacking. Most of the time if I start to snack, I realize that I'm not hungry once I swallow my first bite. It will definitely happen!
on 4/26/09 2:42 am

I am not down to 1/2 cup yet but I am eating WAY less than what I was before surgery.  I keep it down to about 4 ounces of meat/protein and about a 1/4 cup of veggies most of the time.  If I drink more during the day I stay away from food more.  Right now I eat a protein smoothie for breakfast, grapes, granola, cheese stick for a snack mid morning, lunch, something like yogurt or pudding mid afternoon and then dinner.  I maintain 1000 calorie intake daily.  I have 4cc right now and have my second fill on the 11th.   

on 4/29/09 1:50 am
Got my #5 fill yesterday 7.5cc and find I am full with 1/2 cup of food today for the fist time I feel real restriction.  Trying to eat proteen first lunch (potroast and carrots).  I had proteen drink this morning and 1/2 grapefruit and coffee and was full.  Good luck and God Bless, Chuck
on 4/27/09 3:25 am - Mobile, AL
I was banded 02/20/09  and my stats are pre-surgery 317, surgery day 299, today 263. I had my first fill on 03/31/2009 3 ccs and it was a little different but I was still able to eat at least 4 oz. and I have 2 snacks a day.

My next fill is tomorrow and I am hoping for a change. Because I think sometimes I eat more than 4 oz and I drink all the time.

I do really good throught the day and at work - but when I get home its horrible. i snack and snack and then i am not able to eat dinner. Its not much - grapes, chesse stick, but its still TOO MUCH before dinner. and then I haven;t had protein since lunch. 

BUt I am working on going walking when i get home to curb the snacks and that is helping.

So I do eat way less than before - but I am still working on "banding my brain"


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