
Is it wearing off?

(deactivated member)
on 4/11/09 11:35 pm
About 3 weeks ago I had a fill that put me up to 5cc's.  I had great restriction.
I lost a nice little chunk of weight.  Now it is as if it dissappeared.  This past few days
it seems as if I can almost eat anything.  It is so strange because that last fill gave me the
best and longest restriction yet.  I thought perhaps I was almost at my sweet spot.  Now nothing!
I worry sometimes because I remember my surgeon saying some people can stretch out
their esophagus - yuck.  Could that be happening?  Anyone have any thoughts?
Michael Eak
on 4/12/09 12:44 am - Largo, FL
It's just a band/belt around our stomachs. Depending on different situations happening in our lifes you'll get different reactions from your band. YOU Still need to be visuant of how much and what your consuming. Follow as your surgeon suggests and you'll see progress. Trying stuff you know you should not - Test what your band will allow. Will defeat your progress.
Open RNY 5/10/06 and now
Laparoscopic Realize Banding. 4/21/09
9/1/09 I've rec'd 4 fills and lost 86 lbs. so far.
Check the www.obesitynomorefl.com Website Calender.
(deactivated member)
on 4/12/09 6:00 am
Hi - Thanks for your comment.  It is not a matter of eating differently as it is the feeling has
changed.  I do not feel as much restriction - things do not get stuck - the way they did the 1st few weeks after the fill.  I do not feel full as fast on the same amount of food.....
Ashley A.
on 4/12/09 6:59 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
Hey, keep in mind that your band loosens as you lose weight, yes it was only 3 weeks ago but if you lost a good chunk of weight then the band may have became looser due to that. I would suggest getting a fill when you are able, my surgeon makes me wait 6 weeks between so whenever you are able I would consider getting another one. I have heard that the esophagus will stretch if you have a lot of stuck episodes because its pretty much forcing the food down when its really not big enough to pass..thats at least what I would think. I haven't done research on this though which I need to because for awhile there I was getting stuck at least once a day but I have been able to control it lately. I hope this helps!

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 5/21/09 9:39 am
ive heard if you eat to much or drink soda you can stretch your pouch. you may just need to add another half cc. it doesnt seem like much but when your at your sweet spot a half cc can really tighten things up.
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