
I have my date for 4/15/09---NEED SUPPORT!!!

on 4/12/09 9:07 am
I have my date for my lap band surgery set for 4/15/09. I am looking forward to losing weight, but the thought of the surgery itself and the vast changes has me somewhat worried at this point. How will I feel right after surgery? Can I expect unforeseen things to pop up? I am really "anxious" and worried. I feel that I need to have encouragement and would like to hear from someone who has had the Realize Band surgery recently that fill me in with what to expect. The person that has actually experienced this will be the real expert.
I feel that I am on the edge with a panic attack that I don't ant to happen this close to my reality!
Please help!!!!
on 4/12/09 10:41 am
I also have my date for 4/15 so I am afraid that I will not be much help to you.  I am not that anxious but more excited to move forward finally.   It has been a long time to get to this point.  I have spent a lot of time investigating the surgery and talking to people who have the surgery.  I have only found one person that was not that happy with the surgery so I am pretty relaxed about it right now.  

I wish you luck and hope all goes well for you. 
on 4/12/09 12:55 pm
Let me first congratulate you on your upcoming surgery.  I just had my realize band put in on 04/09/09 and am still recovering.  The recovery process really isn't too bad.  Sure I am a little sore from the small incisions but absolutely nothing I can't handle.  I went home the same day I had surgery and felt pretty good.  I recommend you follow your doctors instructions afterward and you should do well.  I think you will be very happy afterwards with your decision and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Tom C.
on 4/12/09 10:21 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ


I tell everyone who asks this question to “Expect the WORST" - that way when it doesn’t happen you can ask yourself “What the heck was I worried". And (God forbid) if the worst does happen - then you were prepared.


Honestly, I had it done 15 months ago and it was no big thing. I was in and out of the operation in 45 minutes - and in and out of the hospital in about 8 hours.


Now, this is what to expect when you get home


Day 1 - you will say “what the *$^#^!! did I do to myself? I can’t believe it"


Day 2 - you will say “what the heck did I do to myself? I am hurting - but it’s a little better then yesterday".

Day 3 - you will say “Eh. It’s really not that bad"

Day 4 - you will say “WOW - I can’t believe how well I feel!! Did they actually put the band in me ?!?!?!?"


I was back to normal in 2 days - but most people take 3 to 4 days.


Know I am here if you need me. Let us know how it turns out !!

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 4/13/09 2:19 am
I had my surgery on 03/10 and I was pretty nervous too.  I did not have any idea what to expect, but it was really easy.  I got to the hospital around 700 and had surgery at 900 - it took about 2 hours, because I also had a Hiatial (Sp?) hernia that had to be fixed.  I came out to the recovery room and stayed in stage 1 recovery for about an hour.  Then they took me to the stage 2 recovery where family can come back.  I was still pretty groggy but it was not bad.  I drank a sip or two of water, walked to the bathroom and had to urinate before they would let me leave.  I was home by 400 that afternoon.  Take a pillow to the hospital with you to hold against you for the bumpy ride home.  I promise you will feel them all, but it is bearable.  I have 3 little punch hole looking scars on my upper abdomen and then one right next to my belly button that is about an inch across and one on my side for the port that is about 1 1/2" long.  For the first few days I felt like I had been doing sit ups for hours on end - but that was the extent of the discomfort.  I would not call it pain so much as more of a muscle burning sensation.  They blow your belly full of air so you have to expel that air and it makes your chest and shoulders sore.  My doc gave me a pain med to take for a while, but I only took it the first couple days - mainly when I was going to bed because I could not lay on my side.  Just take it easy and don't get over ambitious those first few days.  Don't be sedentary but please don't try to wrestle with the kids either.  Lifting was a no-no for me - and actually I am still only supposed to lift 15 pounds or less.  I got to add cream of chicken soup and I put veggie soup in the blender and strained it.  Also pudding and apple sauce tasted great and were allowed by my physician.  It was hard to do 2 more weeks of liquids after the surgery, but truly I was scared to eat those first bites of real food.  I have only gotten one thing stuck in my band since surgery and it was a nasty tasting protein bar - won't even think about eating that again!!!  Besides that it is pretty easy for me.  I have no problems realizing when it is time to quit now.  The first week I measured everything I ate and did not get more than 4OZ at a time.  I have my first fill today - I'm nervous again but I know I can handle it and I have lost 23 pounds!!!  That is so exciting to me that I can't wait for more weight loss!!!  I inspire myself by looking at before and after pictures of other success stories.  GOOD LUCK!!!! 
on 4/13/09 6:08 am - IL
on 4/14/09 1:26 pm - Jackson, AL
Good luck to both of you having your surgery tomorrow! I know you're probably scared to death.. I know I was! I had my surgery in March of 2008. You've gotten alot of great feedback about surgery and what to expect! Just remember that everyone is different and will react differently to every situation. I had alot of similar experiences like everyone else. The scariest part of the whole thing for me was getting out of the car the morning of the surgery. LOL. Oh, and the IV... I'm such an IV wuss! Once I got that, though, everything else was a breeze. I joke and say that my surgery was the best nap I've ever taken because I went to sleep and woke up an entirely new person. Recovery from any surgical procedure is not fun, but really it was much less than what I expected. My first night home was the worst. I made the mistake of lying flat down on my bed and that caused some major soreness. But, once I figured out that wasn't a good thing to do I got it all worked out. I had my surgery on a Thursday and went back to work the following Tuesday. I have to say that on that Tuesday I was on my way to work and completely lost it. Started crying like a baby. It was such a scary thing to go back out into the world when I had been in my protective bubble at home recouperating. It was almost like I didn't know how to take care of myself and was overwhelmed. That was really my only "omg, what have I done" moment. I called my nurse and talked to her and she told me that was completely normal. Who knew? LOL. Anyway, I hope you guys have a safe surgery tomorrow and a speedy recovery. Please let us know if you have any questions!

Good luck and welcome to Realize Bandland!
Tom C.
on 4/15/09 9:18 pm - Mount Arlington, NJ
OK .. Today is the 16th ... Let us know what happened !! .. OK, when you're feeling better
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
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