
PLEASE, give me your feedback!!!

on 4/8/09 5:51 am - Thurmont, MD
Well, I have been on this journey since last August. I have completed all pre-op procedures and met again with the surgeon on Monday. He suggested the sleeve, which after researching for the past few days, I really am interested in. I was in this for the band originally. However, my insurance doesn't cover the sleeve. They cover gastirc bypass and the band. Can anyone tell me about what to expect after bypass/band? Short term and long term effects, on a lot of meds? What makes this a good option for people. I want to hear the good and the bad. I need to make this decision soon and hope that you all can help me!!!

(deactivated member)
on 4/8/09 7:50 am
I thought the sleeve was for extreamly overweight, your bmi is only 41 I have the realize c band since 03-10-09 and my bmi is 45, im down almost 25lbs and Im very happy with it. I would research it first, and go with what the insurance pays for, im starting to get bills now that my insurance paid, and they are in 50,000$ range. good thing i have insurance or i would be fat forevery. ha ha. good luck with you decision Carolyn
on 4/8/09 6:31 pm - Jasper, AL
If you are a private pay, the band is about 12,000. (amazing what they have to file to be able to get what they really charge.)'
I also looked at bypass.  Then the lap and the sleeve.  I ultimatly chose the band because there is no malabsorption issues.  You can not tell what the malabsorption is going to do to the body in 10-20 years. They already know that it increases bone loss, problems with vision due to lack of Vit A among others.  I like the fact that the band is just an implant in my body, it does not change the layout of anything in your body.  I also like the fact that this is something that can be used forever.  If you stretch out your pouch with the bypass (and it is done) you will gain back the weight and have to go back in for a revision if you want to get back on tract.  With the band, if you get to where you want to be and stay there for a while but then start regaining for whatever reason, you go back to the surgeon and start with your fills again.  Yes you can stretch the pouch made with the band, you can cause it to slip.  It can cause erosion (pretty rare) but still the complications from the band were much less than what I knew were possible from the bypass(and I say "knew" becasue I am an ER nurse and we have seen some of those complications, plus I have friends that have had the bypass and not done well with it.. although I know there are people who have done very well with it.).  I also liked the fact that if for somereason, you needed to have your complete digestive system intact, it could be removed.

AS A DISCLAIMER>>>this is only my opinion...from experience, there are some folks here who are very touchy if they feel like you dont agree with their decsion.<<<<<

Basically the best thing to do is to read as much as possible, find some support groups to go to and then make your descion.  If you are a praying person, that helps too  Good Luck!!
Marsha B.
on 4/9/09 1:57 am - VA

I had the Realize Band in November and I've lost 51 pounds, so far.  I never really even considered the others.  I didn't even know about the sleeve, since it is sooo new.  I did not want to re-arrange my insides, so the by pass was not an option for me.  I have been very happy with the band.  I am on quite a few medications, for diabetes and  high blood pressure.  Although I have come off of some.  I don't have any problem with them, swallow them whole, just have to take my time.  I'm still learning to eat with the band, small bites and chew, chew, chew.  It takes a while to break habits that you're had all your life. LOL.
I don't know that one surgery is any better than the other, it a matter of personal choice.  Just know that once you have surgery, any of them, you must commit yourself.  It is not an easy row to hoe.  But well worth the effort.
Good luck with whatever you decide!!


(deactivated member)
on 4/11/09 11:43 pm
I thought the less invasive aspect is a good thing about the band.  Have you read Barbara Thompson's Weight Loss Surgery book?  Or even Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies?
Both are really good at helping with the questions.  I am a bander and am really happy with my choice.  I think reading these message boards is a great tool.  It is a journey and the more information we have the better we are able to make our decisions.  Sounds like maybe you need more time - especially if the Doc. is kind of switching at the last minute?  Take care
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