
Where can you buy legal prescription drugs?

Nicole Wilson
on 4/8/09 11:44 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I am in alot of pain all over my body.  My doctor has given me vicidion and I am almost out.  I know that he will not give me another refil.  Is there a safe place to purchase them online?  thanks...
on 4/9/09 5:13 am - IL
not that i know of...but there is another question? why are you out of the pills already? are you taking them like you are supposed to? maybe you need to talk to the doc again and maybe see a pain management dr. they may be able to help with something different...i'm trying to help...but i want you to know that my brother got addicted to pain meds and it was really bad...so don;t buy off the internet...it isanot safe....i watched a show recently about that stuff not being real.
please call your doc!
on 4/11/09 3:31 am - NJ
Call your Dr about the pain. See what he say. Don't buy stuff off the internet

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on 4/14/09 7:24 pm - Jasper, AL
Why are you in alot of pain all over your body?  Do you have a chronic condition?  I would be careful going to a pain management doctor unless your primary doctor and surgeon refer you there. 

Honestly, the first thing I thought when I read your post is that you are developing a problem with pills.  (and I hope I am wrong!!) I have worked in Drug and Alcohol rehab and we have seen a huge increase in the clients we see having been through WLS.  Is it because they are trading one addiction (food) for another?  Is it because whatever feelings they were having, that they were using food to cover up and now that they dont have that option, they turn to other things.  Some turn to alcohol, some to sex, and a great majority turn to narcotics.   Also, long term use of any pain medication is going to result in a rebound type of effect when you start to come off of them,  it will make you think you still need them, causing you pain,  that is part of what leads to the addiction. 

You have taken on something so brave with your WLS.  You are on your way to a wonderful, healthy, active life with your child.  Please, consider what I have said and think about counseling.
I hope I didn't offend you with this post, unless you needed to be offended.  Do you?

Best Wishes to you and your child!
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