
band must come out

on 4/3/09 4:43 am - CA
REALIZE Band on 07/28/08 with
i had my band surgery 7/31/08 i have lost 55 lbs now my band has to come out i'm having real bad acid reflex cant sleep at nite my esophagus is not working it stays open and the acid come up at nite and it not squezzn the food down to my stomach so out wt the band not sure if i can have it back i post a update as soon as i find out


Lynn B.
on 4/3/09 5:31 am - Carrollton, GA
We will pray that all is well and that the band can be adjusted....but most of all that your health will be preserved....take care and keep your spirits up.

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on 4/3/09 11:47 am - CA
REALIZE Band on 07/28/08 with
thank you so much


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