
Feeling depressed and discouraged!

on 4/2/09 6:08 am - Bentoon, IL
I was banded in July 08 and have only lost about 30 pounds.  I have had 8 fills.  I feel little restriction.  I cannot eat a whole lot at one setting but can eat(for an example) a whole sandwhich.  Is this to much?  I think with this many fills I should not be able to eat this much.  I am getting hungry about every  three hours.  I would appreciate any advise or help!
I think I must need a larger fill!  I am so confused and upset!  I have talked to my doctor and he thinks I am doing well.  I know this is way to slow!  Could he be giving me smaller fills to up the bill and keep me coming back longer?  I know I have to go to an appointment every month.
Is this normal or to often?
Help please!
on 4/2/09 7:06 am - Sherwood, AR
Girrrrrrrl, I could have written this myself.  I am down only 34 pounds since June, 2008 as well.  I have 9.7 cc's and I don't really even know what restriction is.  I did have 10.2 in but had reflux.  I could still eat though....just reflux!  I have a follow up in about 5 weeks and gonna ask for .25 cc's to be put back in this rascal!!  Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone!!  :)
on 4/2/09 2:04 pm - MS
RNY on 10/24/12
Your band holds that much?  So there are different size bands?  Mine only holds 9cc and have about 5.5 or 6cc in.   I only feel restrictions in the mornings, when i'm stressed and when i'm pms'ing.
on 4/2/09 7:10 am
sounds like you need to discuss this situation with your doctor, but remeber that you have to eat more protein than your normally used to, that helps hold you over to your next meal. 
Michael Eak
on 4/2/09 12:10 pm - Largo, FL
Is everyone Journaling what their eating? Such as using the "Realize mySuccess" on the Realize Band website. Remember also that carbs (white food such as bread) with only make you crave more carbs sooner than you think, Are you following exactly what your Surgeon's staff suggested Post-op. Also the rate of losing average is only 2-3 pounds a month if your just following the intake regemine without exercise. Try to just eat Proteins and walk at least 30-60 minutes each day.

Do you stop drinking at least 30-60 minutes before you eat? Not drinking while your eating and again not drinking till 30-60 minutes after your done eatring? Don't be flushing the foods you've chewed so well straight through your banding creating more room for more food.

Open RNY 5/10/06 and now
Laparoscopic Realize Banding. 4/21/09
9/1/09 I've rec'd 4 fills and lost 86 lbs. so far.
Check the www.obesitynomorefl.com Website Calender.
on 4/2/09 11:21 pm - Sherwood, AR
Thanks for the reminders but the problem is......without restriction in the band it is like you never had surgery.  Simple as that!  I follow the rules 90% of the time.  I know that I have a band about 1 day a week (2 if I am lucky).  I follow up with my dr. and have had 8 fills.  I just wanted the poster to know that it is very difficult for some people and provide support. 
on 4/3/09 12:30 am - Bentoon, IL
If I knew I was going to have such little restriciton I would have not had the surgery.  I know the band is just a tool, but I want a good working tool.  If I did not need help I would have not ended up obese!   This is just so frustrating.  I guess everyone if different and I am one of the lucky ones who is having a difficult time feeling restriction.  What does good restriction feel like anyway?  I have talked to my doc about all of this but he has never had a band so how does he really know what restriction feels like.  He only knows what patients tell him. I get my best information from this website.  Thanks to you all
on 4/3/09 6:48 am - Waterloo, IL
I had surgery in Sept and my realize band still doesn't like me very much. I have very little restriction and about 6.7 cc's in my band. I ate a whole sandwich the other day and wondered the same thing you just did. In my mind that seems like a lot. That is what I ate BEFORE surgery. I don't think you are the only one feeling this way, I have heard more people saying what you are saying then people saying, "I love my band. I'm at my sweet spot!" I don't really see that at all actually... So don't feel alone, you're actually in the majority of realize bandsters. I'm hoping w/ my next fill on the 14th I can finally feel this "sweet spot" if I have indigestion or whatever at night or coughing, I don't care, I just want to start really losing.... Just wanted you to know that I feel ya, and so does everyone else here. I tell my doctor this stuff and he is just like yours... he has no clue what it feels like, and he just kinda smiles and nods and tells me I'm fine... that is what is the most irritating. I know something should be happening. And if one more person tells me to be patient....... anyway... good luck. We all deserve to be happy and healthy.
Laurie W.
on 4/4/09 3:23 am - Summerville, SC
I thought I was the only really slow loser. I joined weigh****chers to help by giving myself another tool to help get the weight off. I still am losing slowly but the weight is coming off. I really don't feel the band is working on its own. I have some restriction, but am not at my sweet spot yet. I would love to be though. Hopefully the next fill on the 20th.

Try another diet to go with the band..see if you can't use everything you can to get the weight off.

Yesterday a friend at work told me that people were talking about how I must not be eating right cause I was not losing all that fast and my other friend who had the bypass was down 90 pounds already. That made me feel like such a failure even though I know it is 2 different things and I chose the band for very valid reasons. It just makes me want to follow the rules all that more and keep plugging away.

on 4/23/09 2:41 am
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