
What is the process and how long will it take??

on 3/28/09 12:14 pm
Hello, I'm a newbie here and I'm seriously considering Realize Band surgery.

I've struggled with my weight my whole life, but it became completely out of control about 4 years ago thanks mostly to a series of meds I should not have even been taking! I found my 5' 1" frame somehow trying carrying 278lbs around! I managed to lose down to 227.5 and have been stuck there for a LONG time. So, now I find myself considering weight loss surgery......

My question is basically what sort of process will I be going through from the time I schedule my first appt till the time I'm scheduled for sugery.

I've heard things about psych evaluations, and seminars, and all sorts of things!

Am I looking at months or a year or more before I get the surgery?

Thanks for any info!!! It will be a great help in my deciding if this is the right plan for me. 

on 3/28/09 1:23 pm - Sherwood, AR
A lot of it will depend on you insurance.  I would start by seeking out informational seminars to attend in your area.  You will find out a bunch of info there.  Also, call your insurance company and inquire about what they cover.  Good luck.
on 3/29/09 10:37 am
Mine happened pretty fast.  My doctor's office has a an insurance coordinator that works magic.
I think I went to the first seminar after Thanksgiving and was approved by the end of the year.  

I waited until March because my mother in law was having hip replacement surgery in January and I just couldn't put my husband through it until she was better. 


on 3/31/09 7:07 am - Canada
If you want to check out my blog, I pretty much bogged from the first appointment till my surgery on 3/17. It tells you what kind of tests i went through. Hope it helps :) Good Luck on your journey!


Surgery 3/17/2009
Surgery weight 277
Current weight 202
Goal weight
Total lost so far: 75lbs

7.75cc's in a 9cc band
"Starting to gain control in a world full of chaos!"


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