
Realize site

Heather :o)
on 3/25/09 9:00 am

Yesterday I was able to put in my number and unlock the Realize site, I am finding it is not too user friendly.  There isn't a scroll bar on the side to scroll, and pagedown doesn't work on it.  I have a small Acer laptop, so I can only see a tiny part of the site on it, then I use my desktop pc which has a much larger screen, and still you cant scroll down, like if you do a recipe search, it may list the recipes, but you can only see the first few bc you cant scroll down that far. 
I am pretty computer literate, so I don't think its me.
Anyone else notice this?

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha
(deactivated member)
on 3/25/09 11:57 am
i cant get it either, i have tried everything and still i cant get the page to max. i dont know what else to do. i like this site im on it often. carolyn
on 3/25/09 12:45 pm - Milltown, NJ
Having the same problem lately.   It is the web site.  I will try to contact the webmaster.  I thought it was me but since I saw this I know it is not. 
Heather :o)
on 3/25/09 12:59 pm
Glad its not just me who noticed it.  It makes it such a PIA to use.  Has it always been like that?
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha
on 3/27/09 6:13 am - Carbondale, KS
Hi Heather...I just wondered why you had a revision to the realize band?  I am new to this site and I am having the realize band placed on April 22.  Very excited, nervous, etc, but I was just curious about your revision since everyone says that there is no difference in the 2 bands as far as weightloss goes.  
Heather :o)
on 3/29/09 4:06 am
The band I had was the oldest one, and its been very hard to adjust, like I have no sweet spot, I was either way too tight or way to loose.  I had good restriction the first yr, lost 90 lbs in 9 months, then got pregnant, had a baby, lost all pregnancy weight to being back to the 90 lbs lost, but have basically been at the same weight for 3 yrs now.  So my surgeon suggested upgrading to a newer band, he thinks they have come a long way, and he told me he believes I can get to goal with the new band since bc it holds more, theres a lot more tweaking that can be done.  So after a lot of research I agreed to the swap. 
Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense. - Buddha
on 3/26/09 4:01 am - Waterloo, IL
I know when I bring it up at work my monitor is HUGE and it comes up HUGE. It's annoying because I'm trying to be discreet and it won't let me. But I have never had a problem w/ not being able to see something. Guess it's my gigantic dumb screen.
on 3/26/09 5:16 am - IL
on 3/28/09 2:15 pm - Alexandria, KY
I had to change my screen resolution to get it all on at one time, but I hate that because then the print's too small for my aging eyes.  My no-line bifocals aren't the best for computer work, anyway, so I always set my resolution to get the largest print.   Unfortunately, not every web site works for me that way, Realize being one. 

That's the main reason I don't use it.  My nutritionist (Beth) and psychologist (Dr. West-Smith) have worked with Endo-Ethicon on the design of the website (they also have articles there).  I've given Dr. West-Smith a whole list of my pet peeves.  She sent them along to the webmasters and some have been improved, but the screen resolution hasn't.

Just my two cents worth.

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