
Compiling E-BOOK

on 3/24/09 8:20 am
I am compiling an e-book and I want you to help. 

The name of the book is "10 Things The Doctor Did Not Tell You About Weight Loss Surgery". I would love to use some of your work and knowledge in the compilation.

In return, you will receive a free copy of the work in its completed stage and since it is digital, your link to your blog or website will be in the book driving niche market traffic to your site.

I already have several professionals working on their pieces. This work will have write -ups from veterans, newbies, dietitians and maybe even a few docs. I really believe there is an abundance of knowledge out there and I intend to harness that knowledge and put it to work.

If you are interested please dm me and I will hook you up on the details.
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