
Has any one hear had the lapband replaced with a realize band?

on 3/23/09 6:08 am - splendora, TX
I was originally banded in 4/2003 with the lap band 4cc.  I did very well with it losing 90 lbs.  i kept most of it off until last year.  I have a slip in my band it is not sitting in the correct postion.  I have gained back alot of the weight.  Due to stress and bad eating habits.  My original surgeon would not do anything to repair it, and told me I would have to work to maintain it.  the acid reflux was so bad.  So I found Dr Marvin in Houston.  I'm scheduled to have the lap band removed and the realize band placed on thursday the 26th.  I would like to know if there is anyone out there who has replaced their lapband with the realize band? and how they are doing.


Jacque in Texas
Heather :o)
on 3/23/09 3:38 pm
I just did this today!
I had the 4cc band placed in 9/04, lost 90 lbs, but the band has not given me good restriction in 3 yrs, no matter how much fluid is placed, nothing changed, except for if it went from no restriction to way too much restriction.
My surgeon felt that the newer bands would help me more.  So hopefully! I have to call tomorrow to have them give me access to the rest of the Realize site, but it looks like it will be a huge help to me. 
Also I got the newer Realize C band today, and I have read really great things about it, so I am feeling very optimistic.

Another major plus was I was pleasantly surprised by how comfortable I am, my first band I felt like I got hit by a truck, and this time I have a little soreness, but its completely tolerable.

We should keep in touch so we can compare experiences.

Best of luck with surgery on Thursday!
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