Problem finding port
VSG on 10/18/17
My second fill took 1.5 hours with the radiologist unable to locate my port. My doc was present and tried to guide him. Finally they found it and put 4cc in. Anyone else have problems with finding port under floro? I have 6cc in a Realize Band and don't have much restriction yet. I cannot feel my port and my doc says it is pretty deep. Where are most of the ports placed? Should I be able to feel it?I am not looking forward to another fill!
That really Sucks!
I feel your pain. My 1st fill took about 10 mins. my doctor said it was pretty deep as well. I was apalled. My stomache isnt that big! I blame my doctor for his port finding skills, or lack there of. I pray that i never have to spend that amount of time for a fill appt. I'm glad you survived. I've only had 1 fill. My 4 cc's give me no restriction. but rumor has it that the Sweet Spots await near the 8cc fill line... hang in there
I feel your pain. My 1st fill took about 10 mins. my doctor said it was pretty deep as well. I was apalled. My stomache isnt that big! I blame my doctor for his port finding skills, or lack there of. I pray that i never have to spend that amount of time for a fill appt. I'm glad you survived. I've only had 1 fill. My 4 cc's give me no restriction. but rumor has it that the Sweet Spots await near the 8cc fill line... hang in there
I am praying for that I had 8cc's I thought last month and I went in on yesterday and she gave me another 1cc's which in my mind I am at 9 but she said it may be 8.5 so I am thinking now maybe I didn't get the fill I was told at one point or do so leak out? I don't know I am just looking for the day when I can only eat 1 cup and get full and have restriction. I can only not eat chicken that is it everything else I could eat. Now I am not sure yet with this fill because I only had liquid and soft food so far. yesterday was liquid only.
I don't know why they would put it so deep when they know it is VERY important to find it later. Mine is very noticeable. When I lay down you can see a bump in my stomach on my right side. And I can feel it pretty easily just by pushing. Which is a good thing since everyone I know had to touch it after I had my surgery. Weirdos I hope you have better luck next time.