
About how much food are you eating?

on 3/19/09 12:48 pm - Toms River, NJ
I see so many people saying they aren't having any restriction before they get their first fill.  I was wondering if you trying to stick by the regulations and only have a certain amount and if so how much is that. 

I just had surgery a little over a week ago and I will have like 6oz of a cream soup and I can be satisfiled and fine until my next meal.  I have not pushed myself and have ever felt like I was stuffed and I don't want to ever feel like I over ate again and wondering how everyone else does it with no restriction.
on 3/19/09 3:52 pm - Hutchinson, KS
I am 14 days out and I follow the "pouch" rules to a T. I am getting approx. 1000 calories a day.
I have to supplement with protein shake/bullets at least once a day to get enough protein in.

I feel full and stop. I sometimes have to save my meal for another time cause I get full at
3 oz of food. I have been putting together 4 oz meals and that is too much. I have not had
any "stuck" feelings at all. The first day I had solid food, I ate the whole 4 oz and then felt
kinda of a pain, but the food was not stuck. I think I ate too fast. Gotta remember the
attentive eating rule.

I am down 25 lbs since my pre-op diet. Fifteen are in the 2 weeks post-op. I am doing pretty
well on the rules. I believe it will help when I get my 1st fill April 22nd.

Your soup is liquid, so it goes straight through your stoma. When you get to solid food, start
with canned chicken for your protein, this way you know there is enough liquid in the chicken
and won't get stuck as easily. (That is what my doctor said). Then, try loose hamburer meat
and if all goes well, in a few more days try a hamburger patty.

I am also now using my stationary bike to ride for exercise in the evening. I still walk a lot, but
I am more confortabe in my own home, rather than going out doors to walk. (Safer for me, cause
I have issues).

Are you losing weight with what you are taking in now?
Good luck,
on 3/20/09 12:23 am - Toms River, NJ
Yeahh I am only 10 days post op and at my 1 week appointment I was down 14 lbs.  I have tried the chicken in a can and I eat about 2 to 3 oz of it and then stop.  It looks like so much when you weigh it but I will put like a half cup on the plate and can eat that amount.  I ate some stew with meat that sat like cooking all day so it broke right down with a spoon.  I haven't had anything get stuck either. 
on 3/20/09 4:20 am - IL
you dont want stuck!!!!!!
it is painfull and not good for you or the band...chew chew chew
on 3/20/09 4:18 am - IL
your still swollen from the surgery ,it is about a month or 6 weeks until that goes down.so yes you will have restriction until then . but then comes the dreaded "bandster hell" the time between that you are hungry.....this is the time you spend learning how to eat less because your gonna need ot until you hit the sweet spot...which i just hit with my 4th fill on wednesday...for breakfast i had a protienshake with frozen fruit whipped in,lunch i just had 1oz of chees and a half container
of pintos-n-cheese from taco bell and i am stuffed.....not alot of food but i can now feel it go down...really a cool feeling.
Cina B.
on 3/20/09 4:51 am - Philadelphia, PA
I can say that I noticed restriction after surgery.  It lasted for a few weeks.  Although I was not able to eat like I used to I notice that I could just about complete one serving.  Soups and fluids kept me full and I was able to continue to lose ova the weeks until my next fill.
on 3/22/09 1:47 pm - CA
Okay...I have been questioning this since my surgery last Monday...I have absolutely no restriction that I have noticed...my eating a little at a time has been by sheer will power alone...I am very frustrated....I hated the protein shakes prior to surgery, but I tolerated one flavor enough to get my 3 shakes a day in for two weeks, but now I can't stand the taste, but I am starving!  I am only suppose to be having lowfat broth, etc. but I have been eating very limited amounts of creamed soups (blended in Vita Mix until completely smooth) in order to feel some sort of satiety...Help...why am I so different then everyone else?

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