
Question about the top part of your stomach

Nicole Wilson
on 3/19/09 12:03 am - Indianapolis, IN
I have a question, I had my realize band on 12/10/2008.  Before and after sugery the top part of my stomach gets blotted after I eat or even if I don't eat.  If I have a bm, then it gets mushy and isn't blotted.  Why does it get bloated, is it because of food?  Have I ate too much food and it's being stored there?   The top part of my stomach also seems to hurt when it's bloated.  Does anyone else have this?  If so what causes it and how do I get rid of it?  I don't have a bm everyday and I have been using laxatives to help out.  I get alot fiber in my diet everyday.  I don't want to abuse laxatives because it can be harm your body after an extended time of use.  I would rather take a pill then to drink some nasty stuff in a glass. 
on 3/19/09 7:49 am - Waterloo, IL
I had this probelm really bad before I had surgery and I still have it. It's your colon. That's where it is located and it will swell w/ certain foods. Everyone is different. The other day I swear I looked 7 months pregnant. My boyfriend even agreed w/ me, which men are NOT supposed to do, but then a few hours later it was gone and my stomach was probably 7 inches smaller. Craziness. If you need more fiber you should try the little packets of flavored benefiber. They look like those single packets of kool-aid and you put them in water. Just taste like flavoring and they are good. I drink one everyday. I have cherry pomegranate. Yum. before my surgery my stomach would swell when I ate too much fat, but now it seems to do it just whenever it wants and some times it hurts, like I'm bloated. I think maybe when I eat too much. Let me know how the benefiber goes :)
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