
Problems Eating (4 Months After Surgery)

on 3/15/09 12:04 am - WV
I had my surgery back in the middle of November.  I didn't have any problems eating anything until the beginning of January.  Now, I have problems with all kinds of foods:  bread, meat, salad, apples, bananas, etc.  Lots of times, what I eat comes right back up.  I told my doctor and nutritionist; their only response was to take smaller bites and eat more slowly.  Well, that isn't helping. 

Remember when you were a kid and would take a big ol' gulp of root beer or Dr. Pepper?  Then you'd have to belch really big and loud?  Well, it feels like I have to belch like that, but that the food has sealed it off and won't let the air bubble come up.  I get little, teeny, tiny burps up, and then usually food.

Anyone else have this problem?  Can it be fixed?  It's painful and even affects my breathing.
on 3/15/09 10:20 am - Scottsville, VA
That sounds like it is too tight.  I have that problem occasionally, but it is when I eat too fast.

You may want to call the surgeon for an unfill.

on 3/15/09 2:32 pm
I agree, it sounds like you need to remove some restriction. Eating slower and smaller does help but you should not be at the point that you cant hold anything down.

My friend had the same issue as you and her dr ended up taking out all restriction and putting her on liquids for 5 days, then putting in like 4-6ccs (im not sure) but definately let your dr know because that is not good for you!
on 3/18/09 1:05 pm - Lawrenceville, GA
 Actually u sound like I did last wk. My band was to tight and I had to go get .5cc removed. So probably u need to see ur Dr. But my Dr. really do discourage bread and steak it is a big no no for the band so I don't even try it and the people I no who did tried it regretted it. 
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