
A little over a week and half post-op and going out of my mind...

on 3/14/09 4:24 am, edited 3/14/09 4:43 am
Please tell me im normal ... IM SO HUNGRY !!! i feel like im going out of my mind and can't stant this feeling...if im home i want to eat if im out i want to eat .. will this get better did i make the right choice ... should i have tried harder to lose the wieght on my own... im so confused ...please someone help me



on 3/15/09 2:54 am
Lap Band on 04/20/09 with
Jazzy, I don't have advice as I am just beginning this journey myself... but from what I read, sipping water -- a lot of water -- consistently -- every day --- without fail -- helps with the hungries. 

I have been told many times that the band is not a "fix all" but a tool.  It is to be used with other tools.  Have you been doing any exercising (I know post-op you may have some restrictions)?  Have you begun to start working on new habits to refocus your mind off of food?  See, food was such a big part of our lives pre-banding -- that SOMETHING needs to take its place afterwards.  I am already scheduling my life post-banding.  I have a lineup of major projects and tasks that I plan on working on the minute I get home from the hospital to take my mind off of eating.  Hopefully you can find yourself doing something similar.  It may help!

(but I also wanted to send a virtual hug and say I am sorry this is so difficult for you).
on 3/15/09 9:33 am
Hi thank you for the hug :) i know it's tool and it just the whole mental thing that goes along with it... :) but thanks so much for the support.. :) 



on 3/15/09 10:22 am - Scottsville, VA
It's not easy at all.  Are you getting in enough protein????  I have had to back way off of the carbs.

on 3/15/09 10:24 am
I believe i am getting enough protein .. it's just seems to me the mental aspect... can i ask you something .. once your on regualr food does it get a little better.. ??
thanks again



on 3/15/09 10:33 am - Scottsville, VA
You just have to really careful.  I have been eating too many carbohydrates and have been starving.  Today i am pulling way back on them and it is easier.  Planning ahead and measuring and sticking to it seems to be the key.

on 3/15/09 8:11 am, edited 3/15/09 1:17 pm
Hey Jazzy,

Well, I'm almost 3 wks out and yes I would say that within the first 2 wks I was so hungry because part of the swelling went down and I felt like I could keep eating and eating, but one reason was that I was still mushy food and it was sliding right through and even if I waited to drink an hour afterwards, I thought I was starving!!! So much like before surgery when I would try other diets, but remember your stomach and incisions are still very much healing and even if we think we are all healed up, were not.  Try a little more solid mushy food that won't slide so much right through.  Also, I absolutely love the High Protein Slim Fast Chocalate which I sipped on along with water throughout the day.  It was my absolute savior for making sure I got my protein and really helped with the hunger.  My Nutritionist approved it and it so got me through the first 2 weeks.  I've tried so many other drinks that made me sick but it did the job.  Also, @ my two week followup, my Dr has asked me to start solids including bread, wheat, sandwich type food and others at my discretion because I need to learn what the full feeling is when my food will actually sit in my stomach and stay for a while so I literally did a 180 and have actually realized what the uncomfortable feeling is and have had to take it meal by meal on learning what I can take in and not be miserable.  I go back in 2 weeks for my first fill and he said once I'm feeling good restriction, I will start losing more steadily.   Don't freak out, remember it's a tool that we are all going to learn differently and our bodies will adjust to.   I joked with my husband around a week post op that I could swear both of my stomach's were growling. Ha Lol.   I also told my Doc that too and he got a kick out of it but truthfully, we did do the right thing.  You will see.  No one but yourself  can beat this addiction and you have taken the first step.  Also, I try sugar free koolaid and crystal light on occassion and I put it in the freezer and make it slushy and boy that gets me through cravings but not daily, there's hidden carbs and stuff in everything low cal and sugar free.  Good Luck.  I just signed up and hope my experience helps some.  Keep in touch.

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