

on 3/6/09 9:37 pm

I haven't done this for the past nine months, but all of a sudden I can't stop snacking from 7:00 on.  I eat healthy all day, exercise every day for 40 minutes.  Have a good dinner of protein and veggies but can't stop snacking after dinner.  Once 7:00 comes it's like someone opened the flood gate.  I don't keep junk food around but  I will eat ANYTHING I can get my hands on and I don't know how to stop.  I've tried the usual tricks - make it a healthy snac****upying myself wtih something else, brushing my teeth, even just going to bed but nothing is working!!!  I have not lost any weight in the last two weeks and I know that this is why but I can't stop.  It's like I'm driven by something that makes me snack.  I'm no more stressed than usual, not depressed, not feeding pain - just feeding my face!!!! 

All the snacks I can't stop eating are sugar, fat  and white carbs - all the things that have been absent from my diet.

HELP!!!  There are no chocolate chips for baking left and I ate a jar of peanut butter in one week!!!


on 3/8/09 1:04 am
Your body is probally craving all those things becaus you've removed them from your diet... and Carbs are addictive so it's hard to wean off them..

I was told after my surgery.. No snacking in between meals.. You eat 3 times a day and that's it!. I would look for something else to do..maybe a hobby to occupy you  when you are having those cravings..

Alot of times we are just bored and not really hungry... we just want it!!  By the looks of your ticker you are doing awesome!! Hang in there..

on 3/9/09 7:52 am - AL
If you've got to snack...snack on protein.  I drink a protein shake every a.m. because I am not a breakfast eater.  Around 10:00 a.m (if I'm not too busy at work to think about it) I eat a stick of cheese.  I eat whatever for lunch but it is always mostly protein...today I had meatloaf, collards, & sweet potatoes.  I am at my sweet spot so I don't eat much...concentraging on the protein.  Around 3:30 p.m everyday I eat a Pure Protein Bar (available @ Sam's or Walmart).  I like the Choc. PeanutButter and the   Choc. Chip.  Then a eat a sensible dinner and make sure I get my 64 oz. of water in every day.  Sometimes at night I might have a little ff sherbert or about 1/4 cup of Chex Mix if I am craving something crunchy.  Hope this helps!  I had my surgery on May 28th, 08 and I have lossed 72 lbs.  It has certainly been hard work but well worth it!!
on 3/9/09 8:08 am - Waterloo, IL
This has been happening to me lately too. And it's not because I'm bored. I'm actually irritated that I'm still so hungry because I'm busy at night and I hate to stop and eat. My stomach growls and I HAVE to eat something. It sucks. I am getting a fill tomorrow and I will ask what it's all about. Maybe he can help us both :)  

PS I love your dragonfly! They are my favorite
on 3/11/09 1:29 am - Mobile, AL

I am almost 3 weeks out and i was on  10 day pre-sur. liquid diet. I am having trouble right when i get home from work the snacking craving is overwhelming. I eat jello or drink water. But its so hard.  Any suggestions? and what do your start with when you start solid foods.


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