
length out of work

on 3/6/09 1:01 pm - allentown, PA
I've heard varying things.  In my pre-op group I was told 2 weeks.  Someone else told me a few days.  I'm planning to call my surgeon's office and ask.  My work wants me to complete family medical leave paperwork if it is 2 weeks.  Looking to see what people have done.  Thanks in advance!!
on 3/7/09 10:41 am
My surgeon actually recommended 4 weeks, in order to adjust to the diet before returning to work.  I went back after 2 weeks and it worked out well.  I can't imagine taking less than 2 weeks to adjust to a new life before returning to work.  Best of luck!
on 3/8/09 1:07 am
I had surgery on a Monday and Mover & Packers came on Wednesday  to pack u up for a move out of state. I had one day of rest and then some more down time on Friday... It was rough! 

But you can function after a few days pretty well.. I'd give yourself 1-2 weeks.. Each person is different though.. But I wouldn't think you'd need more then 2 weeks.
on 3/9/09 8:05 am - Waterloo, IL
I took 2 weeks. I had to take atleast 8 days or I had to use my own vacation time. It turns out that 2 weeks was good. I had a really bad first week and i would recommend 2 if you can swing it.
on 3/10/09 1:09 pm
I took 1 1/2 weeks off from work, which was nice but not necessary for me.  I had my surgery on a Wednesday and by Monday I thought I could go back to work if I had to, but an extra day or two would be nice.  I was driving and shopping by day 6, just remember not to lift anything...that is a big mistake!!  Most people I talked to said a week was fine as long as your job is not physical and you can eat/drink and walk when you need to do so.

Good luck! 
on 3/10/09 1:11 pm - Humble, TX
How was the pain level in the first three days?  Did you walk a lot to take care of soreness and 'gas' issues?  Hope you continue doing well!
on 3/11/09 12:52 pm - allentown, PA
Thanks for the input!!!
on 3/15/09 2:40 pm
I had surgery on a friday and was back on wednesday. I even had severe back problems from the surgery, and if i didnt, i would've been back sooner. It was my back that was an issue, otherwise i was fine by sunday in regards to the actual surgery/stomach area.

Another person i met that had surgery same day as me was back to work on that monday!

Id say to play it safe and request more than a week, but from my experience no more than a week was needed.

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