
Flying with a band

on 3/5/09 10:19 am - Florence, KY
Wow, I know this is going to sound REALLY dumb....but has anyone had any problems eating during/after flying that has a band?  Can the pressure changes affect restriction?  Seriously....I flew to Baltimore Saturday and couldn't keep anything down Sat evening.  By Sunday morning I was almost okay, but after coming home Wed, I couldn't keep anything down again.   I feel almost okay today but everything seems so "tight".  Does flying cause this (I am certainly not stressed about flying, I love flying and I know stress will close me up like a rubber band)?  
Thanks for any help!
Michelle F.
on 3/5/09 11:46 am
I haven't heard this but I'm curious to see the responses.  I'm flying on a business trip in 3 weeks and the last thing I want is to get sick at the dinners.

Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

Kim Francis
on 3/5/09 12:06 pm - Cranston, RI
I flew home last night and I had no trouble with anything.

waiting for revision from band to sleeve surgery date!!

on 3/6/09 6:17 am - Waterloo, IL
I flew and had no problems at all. Maybe it is only certain people. Although I can get really stressed out and have no problems either. Nothing seems to make me tighter... not even fills...
on 3/10/09 4:03 am - Chicago, IL
I too had more restriction flying. We flew to Las Vegas and I felt like I could feel my band while flying...very weird. The whole trip I had a hard time keeping food down and had no problem before. Wasn't a huge deal. I just had to make sure I took small bites and chewed really well. But this was my first experience with the PB everyone talks about. Then after flying home I had the same thing for a couple of days and then it got better. So yeah I agree with you...I definitely noticed a difference.
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