
Port Pain After Surgery - Experiences?

on 2/19/09 10:57 am - San Angelo, TX
so, i'm three weeks out now and have lost 18 lbs - yeah, hurray, etc etc. unfortunately, i cannot be all happy and joyful because since saturday i hae had horrible pain in my left side, just below my port incision. after making myself stay in bed and pain medicate for a few days, i went to the ER ( it was THAT bad) tuesday and had them do xrays and bloodwork. everything appeared fine, but i'm rolling in pain. have been on vicodin every 4 hours, then went back to see my doc today. he did an ultrasound and said everything looked good, no fluid build-up, maybe an infection. so i just started antibiotics.

but this is worse pain that immediately after the surgery even! if i don't take the pain meds after a couple hours i'm shaking. fever, pain seem to lead to infection. but i was wondering if anyone else had a similar problem. i have had a hysterectomy and gall bladder removal a few years prior to this surgery - could it be the scar tissue trying to heal? thanks in advance for your help - and newbies, this does NOT happen to everyone, don't worry!
"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

on 2/20/09 4:24 am, edited 2/20/09 5:47 am - Waterloo, IL

Well, my port is on my right side and I haven't had any pain at all there. I'm sorry you are going through this. I can tell you that a few weeks after my surgery I had some severe pain on my left side and went to the hospital. They did all the stuff they did w/ you and then told me I was fine. When I went to my doctor and asked he said it could have been a strain or something where I lifted something too heavy or had done too much physically. I had this pain for a few days and then it got better and went away. A few weeks after that I had it again and just suffered through it knowing it would go away, and it did. Since your port is on your left side it is hard to tell if the pain was from your port or if it is similar to the pain I had which was right about where you said yours was. I hope it's just a strain and you start feeling better :)


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