
First Submittal denied

Michael Eak
on 2/16/09 8:09 am - Largo, FL
I just heard from my Primary Doctor that my first attempt to get my
Care Plus Insurance to approval for the Realize Band was denied. Patty
at my Surgeon's office then talked to them. And CP is saying that my Primary Doctor needs to submit to them NOT my Surgeon's office.

We'll I called Care Plus and their stating that Laparoscopic Banding is
Not a Covered Surgery, paid by Medicare (my Primary Insurance).

Which I looked up on www.medicare.gov Under Bariatric Surgery and it
states " it's a viable option for many Morbidly Obese patients" per
CMS Administrator Kerry Weems. That Medicare/CMS covers 4 types of
bariatric surgery procedures: gastric bypass-open & laparoscopic,
laproscopic adjustable gastric banding and open & laparoscopic
biliopancreatic diversion w/ duodenial switch.

So now I'm waiting to hear from my Primary Doctor, whose already
started on her own Appeal Letter

Open RNY 5/10/06 and now
Laparoscopic Realize Banding. 4/21/09
9/1/09 I've rec'd 4 fills and lost 86 lbs. so far.
Check the www.obesitynomorefl.com Website Calender.
on 2/16/09 10:46 am - Diamond, IL
Don't get discouraged!! Just keep pluging away and don't give up!!
on 2/17/09 8:52 am - Palm Harbor, FL
It will happen, just keep the faith! You have done so well for yourself to get this far! Be proud of yourself no matter what the outcome of this is. I see that you are very persistent, keep that up and stay positive! 

on 2/20/09 12:48 pm - Hutchinson, KS
I hope you get the surgery you want. I did not have a problem with Medicare approval. I had a list, from the surgeon, as to what Medicare required and did all the things on the list. I even called Medicare and my Plan F insurance to verifiy coverage after the hospital scheduling person called me with my date of March 5, 2009. My Plan F is Physican's Mutal, they said they always pay the 20% of the Medicare approval rate no matter what the surgery is, period.
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