

janice A.
on 2/12/09 9:48 pm - san angelo, TX

Silly question here, but which scale do you use to measure your weight loss. I weigh myself in the morning but my doc weighs me about 10 am and usualy the differnce is about 5lbs. I am thinking to take my scale with me to the next appt. to simply verify the differnce to I know where i am at.  What do you suggest?


  long term

SW 303/ lapband/ 244 /335 pre-op/ revision 4/11

Tom C.
on 2/13/09 4:01 am - Mount Arlington, NJ

Let me start off by saying some of us (me include) believe scales should be used only for fish or piano ... However, many others like to weight themselves regularly. They feel it helps keep them on track.


Remember there are other “scales" you can use to monitor your success: your constant hunger reduction (eliminated); reduced clothing size; increase energy; re-familiarizing yourself to body-parts unseen for years (errr… toes) ; “common" activity becoming easier (walking, climbing steps), just feeling good about yourself; sleeping better (reduced snoring); the mirror; better medical exam results (lower cholesterol and/or blood pressure); etc.

But if you want to "monitor your weight", use the scale you will use most often - but remember a few things: (A) you will weigh less in the morning then you will at night (B) "your scale" may be different then the Doctor's, DON'T WORRY - go with the lower number :) (C) Don't weigh yourself EVERYDAY - a lot of things affect out weight. So a weight gain on 1-2 pound today, could mean a weigh loss of 3-4 pounds tomorrow. (D) if you exercise, your fat will turn to muscle - which means while on the scale "you aren't loosing weight", in reality you're getting healthier.

Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/13/09 5:06 am - Waterloo, IL
My doctor's scale is also 5 lbs heavier than mine but dont' let that discourage you. I go by my scale because no matter what scale you use it still tracks your weight loss. I don't like their scale so I just ignore it : ) Good luck! and it is better to not weigh yourself every day. I've noticed on the days I do I feel kinda depressed... I don't even want to go to the gym that day.
on 2/17/09 5:30 am - West Fargo, ND
My doctor has gone to a digital scale and I bought one right after surgery. They read identical.....I weighed immediately before I left for the appt.
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