
Diet Coke

on 2/12/09 5:19 am
Hi Everyone!

I don't know if this topic has been covered before, but has anyone continued to drink Diet Coke or any carbonated beverages after banding.  I know most doctors say no, but my friend was banded a year ago and her Dr. says its okay.

So far I've stayed away from Diet Coke, but I really, really miss it!


Sadie Sue
on 2/12/09 5:39 am - Waterloo, IL

I have 2 friends that have the lap band and one of them drinks soda and one of them doesn't. The one that does drink it knows he's not supposed to but he does it anyway. He was banded 2 years ago and will probably have ill effects from this but who knows. I have not touched soda in almost 6 months and I don't miss it at all. Even the diet stuff is AWFUL for you and artificial sweeteners like the ones they use in Diet Coke can make you hungrier, and that is the LAST thing I want :) They can also make you crave sweets which I, for one, don't need any help doing...


on 2/12/09 10:42 am
i cant drink the sodas unless they are flat, the carbonation hurts.
Jessica H.
on 2/15/09 10:18 am
2-3 weeks post op I was allowed diet carbonated beverages.
on 2/16/09 12:02 pm
I was told no carbonated beverages ever! And everywhere ive read says the same thing.
two main reasons:
1. possibly will stretch pouch! (possibly!)
2. sugar/sweetners in most carbonated beverages
on 2/16/09 12:15 pm
I was also told not to drink anything carbonated again ever.....I have often wondered if it was really necessary or not.  At this point I figure it is for the best because I would probably fall right back into bad habits if I started having sodas again. 
I miss it alot!!! Cherry Coke was my favorite and it is definately hard to walk past the soda machine at work and not get one.

Hang in there you are not alone!
on 3/5/09 5:08 am
Some people can tolerae the carbination and some can't.. It just depends on the person.. You are allowed if you can tolerate it.. I would't go and drink a liter at one sitting..

I weaned off Soda before my surery by replacing it was carbonated Water.. I love the bubbles.. I waited until I was 3 months post op before I tried it again and I can handle a small amount.. Same with Beer... But I will say it makes your gassy!! 
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