
1 day post op

on 2/12/09 3:31 am - Palm Harbor, FL
I am officially home and banded with my Realize band!!!

God, I am hurting though. Surgery was great - very uneventful, However.. after, I've had trouble managing my pain. Ended up staying overnight to try to get it together - was able to make it home at least. But now, I'm in constant gassy pain (shoulder, low back..) and a stabbing pain where my port is. Everyone keeps telling me that the surgery went great,... so I don't believe there are any problems there. Just gas..

Thank God for Emend.. and having my period before surgery (anestesiologist says if you have the surgery shortly after period - less nausea) 

Just wanted to share this with you all! I am going to get more rest, been up walking and talking and walking and walking and sipping broth.. I'm exhausted.

on 2/12/09 4:50 am, edited 2/12/09 4:51 am - Waterloo, IL
I'm so glad your surgery went well! I had the worst gas pain too and it will end. I promise. I ended up getting some nasal pain meds and those were fabulous. Don't be afraid to take your pain meds and hang in there. It's worth it!


on 2/13/09 12:44 pm - Palm Harbor, FL
Thanks! I've been up and moving and taking my pain meds :D

on 2/12/09 6:08 am - Baltimore, MD
Hey Tabitha,

I am glad that things went well and that you made it home. Yesterday was a rough day for me, but today I am feeling a lot better. Keep me posted on how you are doing.


on 2/13/09 12:47 pm - Palm Harbor, FL
I'm glad yours went well too!

The day after surgery seems to be the worst.. I'm doing a lot better today too (2nd day post op).. the gas pain goes away with more exercise.. I've been moving through the pain more, taking my pain meds - and it's got me up folding laundry, vacuuming the living room.. and I even did 15 minutes on the treadmill (lowest speed.. no incline) .. doing that seems to have my gas pain go away at least.. I'm happy about that.

I'll catch up with ya more later, how are things going today though? 4th day post op by the time you get this, for you?
on 2/13/09 11:29 am
I had surgery on Tuesday and I'm still sore too.. The gas pain has been horrible! I keep thinking that I'm dying. I was starting to think everything was going wrong so hopefully since we are in the same boat we are doing just fine. Take care!
on 2/13/09 12:49 pm - Palm Harbor, FL
I know that feeling - see my post right above this for some of the ways I fixed it. It's hard, but work through it a little at a time and it gets so much better.
on 2/20/09 3:17 am - PA
I had surgery on the 18th.  I feel like a float in the Macy's day parade!!!!  OMG!!  It is a little better but wow!!  My husband took me to Walmart and made me walk.  Walking around the house was quit boring and I was able to sit down when I felt like it.  Today we are going to the grocery store.  It is way too cold to walk outside so to the store or mall we go.  I am going to get on my elliptical now and go real slow.  Anything else you have to offer,  throw it my way!!!


janice A.
on 2/13/09 9:11 pm - san angelo, TX
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