
Ashamed to post, but I hope it helps someone!

renee K.
on 2/10/09 11:46 pm - Augusta, GA
Post Date: 2/11/09 7:32 am
WOW, last night was rough.  I got very upset about some stupid stuff my son pulled. He's 20 and just not using his head to make wise decisions.  Well I decided to go on a binge,(it ticks me off that i made a concious decision to go on a binge) so off i went to the grocery store, here is a list of what i bought:
2 -10 lb bags of potatos (requested by my husband)
scrubby kitchen sponges
body wash-smells yummy
browine mix with walnuts
chocolate icing
toll house turtle cookie dough
peanut butter cup cookie dough
chocolate syrup
thin mint ice cream (OMG its got girl scout cookies in it!) Edys buy one get one free So i HAD to buy 2!!
Peanutbutter cup ice cream Edys buy one get one free-(see above)

I even picked up some krispy creme donuts with chocolate frosting, but i did put them back.
So once I got home i baked the browines, the turtle and peanut butter cookies.  I dont much remember baking them  but I did. 

Heres the good part!  Here is a list of what i ate:
a small scoop of thin mint ice cream
2 turtle cookies
a teeny tiny bite of brownie-not even an inch square

I realized on my way to the store that if I was an alcoholic i would be going to the liquor store to get drunk.
If I was a drug addict I would be looking for a fix to get high.
My drug of "choice" is/was food.  I am so thankful for my band, even though i dont have restriction, i know how far I have come and chose NOT to eat ALL of the cookies and 1/2 the pan of browines and a huge bowl of ice cream!  The band itself didnt stop it, but the fact that I have the band did!!

Food addiction is no joke, alcoholics can be told to stay away from the booze, drug addicts can be told to stay away from the drugs, food addicts HAVE to eat to live, our choice needs to be just that ---EAT TO LIVE not LIVE TO EAT!  Food is not something we can stay away from-its a vital part of life.  Other addicts dont have to be forced to see their addiction every day, but food addicts have to be faced with food every day.  Its all in che choices we make.

I have read many posts here that helped/inspired/encouraged me, I just hope this will do the same for others!!

God Bless


on 2/11/09 3:22 am - Columbia, SC
Hang in there and move forward today is another day just remember why you had the surgery and that will motivate you to stay on track even when the tracks are broken.
on 2/11/09 6:18 am - AL

Congratulations on not going off the deep end....I know how you feel about wanting to take your frustration out on food, but you have the knowledge to know better and the stregnth to tackle the problem,,,,question?  Do you journal?  I find that is a good way to put down my frustrations, and then a day or so when I have calmed down, will go back to read what I wrote and sometimes tell myself that the problem is not that bad and it is not worth hurting myself esteem, like binge eating.

You have grown and are conquoring the evil...keep up the GREAT work!  Farmgirl58

renee K.
on 2/11/09 8:50 am - Augusta, GA
THAT is a great idea.  I used to journal alot, i need to get back to it.  thanks for the reality check!


on 2/13/09 11:27 am - Philadelphia, PA
Hi Renee....Don't beat yourself up for that. As you said we are addicted to food thats our fix. In time we learn the effects on our bodies. But listen you are doing so good. I have only lost 21 Lbs. and I had surgery on the 3rd. You should feel so proud of yourself. I am starting to wonder what the hell my problem is? I try so hard and for the most part I stick to the plan. I slip here and there but nothing major. Perhaps my next fill on Thursday will do the trick. I wish you all the best and please hang in there. you are doing fantastic gf. Im so pround of you so be proud for yourself too ok!
on 2/11/09 11:57 am - Scottsville, VA

You are right for most of this we are suffering from a food addiction. 

Have you gotten all of the "bad" stuff out of the house???? 

If it were me, I would have tto do that or I would be in it every day until it was gone.

You did great in limiting the binge and knowing that you were doing that.  Keep doing it one day at a time.

I try very hard NOT to bring the foods in the house that I will get into real trouble binging on.   I sometimes 'binge' on good food and know that is not good either, but I feel it is better than eating all the wrong stuff.

This ain't easy!

Robert P.
on 2/12/09 3:53 am - Pelham, AL

Good for you for keeping it in check fairly well.  Remember, that was a single day and won't impact your overall loss at all when you look back on it as a whole.  Get back on the horse and get the junk food out of the house.  If you have to keep it in the house for other family members, figure out a way to keep it under lock and key so that you don't have access to it.

on 2/14/09 10:33 pm - Silver Springs, FL
It's sad, but it's the true reality. I just had the band put in 5 days ago and I ate 5 cups of cream of chicken soup last night within 3 hours. I sabotage myself all the time. I want to feel full so that I know I'm done. It's very frustrating being on the liquid stage and constantly being hungry.
on 2/18/09 5:22 am - GA
First I laughed and then I cried-  yes We need to eat to live, not live to eat. I am happy that you were able to limit your intake to a 'small' amount-
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