
Lap Band or Realize?

Megan H.
on 2/10/09 12:38 pm - Westlake Village, CA
Lap Band on 03/30/09 with
 I am going to post this on the Lap Band forum as well to get different opinions.
When I attended my information seminar given by my doctor, he said that patients get a choice between the Lap Band and Realize. I know they are pretty much the same, but did anyone else have to make the same decision? If so, why did you pick one over the other. At first, I was going to stick with the Lap Band, but Realize does have a lot of features that I like. 

on 2/11/09 1:06 am
VSG on 10/18/17
I have a Realize Band. It is the only band my surgeon uses. He likes it over the Lap Band because it has a lower profile port (easier to fill), the port is attached with claws instead of stiches(less chance of slipping) and there is a very supportive Realize Your Success website for patients before and after surgery. Either band is excellent and well proven. The Realize Band has been around as long as the lap band, but in Europe and now in the US. You really can't go wrong with either band. Ask your doc about the newest Realize-C band. It is the improved version, but the improvements are really related to the surgery and not much different for the patient. The surgery was a breeze and I love my band. You are making a good choice either way. I usually use the Lap Band forum since there are more people over there, many of whom have the Realize Band. I have actually suggested to OH that they have only one forum on Gastric Banding and we are waiting to see if this happens soon. Most of us were in favor of this. Check out the Realize Band website also. Best of luck to you!
on 2/17/09 12:32 am

I think this excellent discussion is one of the reasons that Lap and Realize forums should be combined.  I'm sure there are many on the Lap forum who would find this information very useful.

Ashley A.
on 2/11/09 3:23 am - Dayton, OH
VSG on 06/27/12
Hey Megan, I actually didnt get to choose what I wanted. I went into surgery completely thinking I was getting the lapband...then 6 weeks later I go in for my first fill and see REALIZE written real big on my chart at the surgeons office...so I'm like OMG. have the realize band! I was a little upset because my surgeon didn't tell me but I asked her why she gave me the realize band instead she said she likes it better because the port is lower and its typically easier to fill. She did also say that they are the same thing just a different manufacturer pretty much. I hope you are able to make a decision..if you really aren't able to decide then maybe have the surgeon choose? just a thought. Good Luck!

Realize Band-12.1.08 Revision to VSG-6.27.12


on 2/12/09 4:43 am - Waterloo, IL
I chose the Realize band b/c my surgeon said it was pretty much the same and I wish I would have got the lap band. I was recently informed that the realize band takes forever for you to feel restriction and start losing weight. I am 5 months post-op and I've only lost 30 lbs... I know that's okay but from all the people I've talked to w/ the lap band they have lost twice that and feel restriction way sooner. I still feel none. It's aggravating. Other than that, I have had no food stuck, which is good and my port is fine. Just because it's easier for you surgeon to fill does not make it better for YOU :) Good luck!
on 3/10/09 7:59 am - Canada
Can I ask where you got that information? I have searched high and low to find one place that states you lose weight wayy slower then the Lap Band but i have failed to find anything regarding it. Also i asked my surgeon if this was the case and he actually told me the opposite. That because of the design of the Realize band you will lose weight pretty quickly and steadily.


Surgery 3/17/2009
Surgery weight 277
Current weight 202
Goal weight
Total lost so far: 75lbs

7.75cc's in a 9cc band
"Starting to gain control in a world full of chaos!"


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