
Scheduled for 2/11/09

janice A.
on 2/8/09 9:32 pm - san angelo, TX
While i am ready for this "tool" to help me in my journey to a healthier me; I am very nervous about what to expect after the surgery.  When it comes to pain I dont do well since i have allergies to most pain med out there :(.. but more so I have several women at work watching every step I take since they are considering this procedure as well. NO Pressure LOL.. Can anyone give me advice about what to expect post-op? 

  long term

SW 303/ lapband/ 244 /335 pre-op/ revision 4/11

Tom C.
on 2/9/09 2:47 am - Mount Arlington, NJ
Expect the worst .. this way when it doesn't happen - you'll be telling yourself "it wasn't that bad".

Personally, I was back "to normal" by the next day. I had very little pain, and I felt l could have gone back to work in 3 days. But from what I hear, that was a little unusal.

From other "friends" who had the operation done, the post-op goes something like this: You come home from the hospital asking yourself "what the heck did I do". The next day, you are saying "Was I out of my mind". The 3rd day you say "you know it's not really that bad". The 4th day you say "I feel kinda normal. Who would have thunk it".

Of course, everyone is different.
Good Luck on your Journey !!


“Nothing I will ever eat will give me the feeling I get as when I lose weight”  The views expressed are based on my own experiences - and should NOT BE FOLLOWED IN LIEU OF DOCTOR’S ADVICE/INSTRUCTIONS. Only your Doctor knows your condition, and make sure you talk to them before making any changes to your diet
on 2/9/09 4:28 am
VSG on 10/18/17
My surgery was 2 months ago. I was surprised at how easy the surgery and recuperation was. I was back to work in a week and felt great by the third day after surgery. There was very little pain, but we are all different. Walk and sip often and take the pain meds if you need them. I only did liquid Tylenol for 2 days. I never used the prescription for the stronger meds. The walking really helped get rid of the gas. I spent the first night in the hospital and walked the hallways often. Take it easy when you get home and follow your doctor's post op diet and guidelines. You will be amazed at how well you will do and how easy it really is. Good luck to you!
on 2/10/09 12:56 am - Columbia, SC
I had surgery DEC 2 and I had very little pain.  I didn't take much pain medication because I was allergic so took liquid tylenol. I had gas pain but as long as you walk around the house and dont just sit and stay in bed the gas will pass quickly. Keep a pillow handy to hold on your stomach tight just in case you cough or laugh so it won't hurt as much. No major pain I went back to work in 3 days. I was ok.
on 2/11/09 2:57 am - Waterloo, IL
I'll give you the abnormal since it sounds like I had it pretty bad compared to these people. I'll be honest w/ you and tell you that the pain i felt immediately after waking up from the surgery and for the next 5 days was unbelievable. I woke up from my surgery screaming. My gas pains were so bad. I continued to walk around the house and do what they said but it was so bad I probably cried for 2 days straight. I ended up getting some nasal spray pain meds that helped a little but mostly you just have to let it pass. I hope you have nothing like this. I remember thinking I would rather have 3 more babies then ever go through that kind of pain again. I had a c-section and that was nothing compared to this. Afterwards I felt fine though and my incisions were great and didn't bother me at all. GOOD LUCK!!! It is worth it, just keep reminding yourself of that and you'll be fine : )
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