
How can I help?

on 1/23/09 11:18 pm
My husband is having his surgery on Feb 20.  Is there anything that I can do for him that he would really appreciate before and/or after his date?
on 1/24/09 12:17 am
Get the paper and take care of the kids. Your husband needs to getup and walk around. Blood clots are a major possibility so you don't want him to lay around for more than an hour at a time. Oh and no lifting!!!!

My main issue was the fact that the anesthesia plays with your mind. If your husband starts saying weird stuff or cries for no reason for the first week, its the anesthesia, it will pass.

My wife was most helpful when it came to meal time, she set timers notifying me when i needed to eat and prepared the mushies. I'm grateful to have a wonderful spouse
on 1/25/09 10:09 pm
Your reply was very helptul, thank you.
on 1/24/09 12:05 pm
Just make sure that he has all of the little things he might need.  Make him a care kit, if he works outside of the home a back to work bag would be a nice thought. 
You could put in all the things that others have suggested we all get for the first weeks after surgery like Gas X strips, chapstick, bottled water, sugar free mints nothing big or expensive just the little things that help.  There are lists on the site of the "essentials" for after surgery, if you can't find one let me know and I'll get one to you.
Most of all, just ask him...he'll let you know what he needs whether its company or rest it's really up to the person.

What would you attempt,if you knew you could not fail?

(deactivated member)
on 1/25/09 5:05 am
Hello - I was just reading through this and wondered what you meant by the "essentials list"
can you please tell me where I can find it?  I am having surgery on 1/28/09 and am trying to
prepare.  Thank you!
on 1/26/09 2:23 pm
I don't remember where I found lists so I will just post one
OK so I am no expert...I have NOT been banded yet...I have just read a lot and compiled a list for myself from other peoples lists of what they used...I also got ideas from my mom who was banded as well as coworkers...Not everyone will need all of these things, some people will need more...If I have forgotten something please just add to the post.

Heating pad                    
Flexible ice pack
Small pillow, to cushion your belly from the seatbelt on your way home
Liquid tylenol, may want to preorder not all pharmacies carry this for adults
Gas X chewables or strips
Gauze pads, bandage tape, and waterproof wound covers in case you need to
       change the dressing
Chewable or liquid vitamins
CHAPSTICK, even if you don't normally use this you will after ANY surgery
Sugar free cough drops, sugar fee mints, sugar free popsicles
       surgery seems to dry people out
Protein shake mix, I already started with one just to make sure I like it
        I got vanilla go I can add whatever flavor I like
Small food processor, for the mushies stage, even if you have a big one a small
       one it is nice to do the small portions we will eat without a big mess
A digital food scale to really know how much you are eating
A single serve blender, again why dirty a big one for 1 person
Bottled water, even if you don't use them at home have a few on had to grab
        as you are running out the door, always bring a water ( and Crystal Light
        or generic brand water flavors )
Covered little cups, I got mine in the infant department, to take little snacks
        with me
Small dessert size plates and finger bowls, eating off these gives the illusion of
       eating more
A journal, do not rely on memory alone to keep track of what works and what
        doesn't...Write things down!!!!!!!!!

I did not add a lot of things that others had on their lists but I am cheap and trying to keep it simple......If you want others ideas try Youtube quite a few people actually show you what they bought and what they used.


What would you attempt,if you knew you could not fail?

(deactivated member)
on 1/26/09 7:52 pm
Thank you very much!  This was helpful.
on 1/25/09 10:18 pm
I would love a copy of the "essentials" list.  Thank you!
on 1/24/09 1:58 pm
Be supportive and have patience.

He is going be struggling to learn a new way a life, changing old habits is really hard. No matter how prepared you think you will be changing your relationship with food is a monumental task. 

He will probably be moving a little slow for a couple of days so make things comfortable, but remind him to get up and move around at least every couple of hours.

Do not have his favorite foods/ sodas around.

Best of luck!
on 1/25/09 3:43 pm - Scottsville, VA
He is blessed to have a wife like you!

Encouraging him to walk, stick to his diet regime, (remind him of times) sip water.

Just care.

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