
two weeks out and having panic attacks!

on 1/21/09 6:02 am
I'm two weeks out of lap band surgery and woke up this morning having one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had.  I thought maybe it was from the surgery and lifestyle change.  I've been missing food and normally under severe stress ( I started a new semester at school yesterda), I would have eaten to feel better. But now I can't do that.

Has anyone else experienced this?

on 1/21/09 10:07 am, edited 1/21/09 10:25 am - Climax, MI
Yes.  I have PTSD and experience panic attacks.  I practice meditation techniques.  Breathe in and breathe out.  To focus on my breathing, I say in my head: "As I breathe in I am breathing in" and "As I breathe out.  I am breathing out."  I know this sounds silly but it focuses my mind and helps me calm down.  After awhile of this type of breathing, I let myself feel what I'm feeling.  Then I breathe in whatever the positive emotion is to what I'm feeling and let go of the negative.  For instance, if I'm overwhelmed by fear.  I breathe in faith.  And I picture fear like it's one of those dissolving dishwasher tablets.  I picture the fear breaking up and then I breathe it out.  Or for anger, I breathe in love.  etc.  I hope I've explained it clearly because it's been a lifesaver for me.  I got my meditation concepts from Tich Nhat Hahn a buddihist priest.

I also had a melt down 9 days out from surgery and was able to talk to my doctor's office and they let me know that it happens to everyone.  She told me we have all sorts of hormonal changes happening in our body due to the drastically changed diet, meds, etc.  For me knowing its physical helps me know I'm not cracking up.  Well I might be cracking up, but it's still physical.

Good luck. 

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

on 1/21/09 10:10 am
Wow that sounds really helpful I'm going to try it the next time I pass a bakery!  Seriously, thanks!
on 1/21/09 3:14 pm

Im 8 weeks out, my anxiety is down, havent even taken meds since surgery, however,  I noticed about 4 weeks out that I was suddenly very angry! I talked to my dr as well and they said that is common. They said the same as above about the hormones, and as well like me, we arent able to eat our feelings anymore!!!

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