
Is it true?

on 1/20/09 12:32 pm
Is it true that the realize band is suppose to help you lose more weight than the regular Lap Band?? I was told this and haven't heard no one else say this...nor have I read up on anything like this. Just wondering if there was anything to it. Hope all is well and pray that I have my surgery soon!
on 1/20/09 12:56 pm - Ocala, FL
No, it's not true- assuming you have the most recent of both bands, the tests have come back equivocal- neither one having any significant difference. The biggest difference is between the ports- they are shaped slightly different, and the realize has automatic suture-things that clamp to the muscle while the lap-band AP has holes and the surgeon sutures it on. Most surgeons have a preference, and honestly- as much as I like choosing everything myself, I would say to follow the surgeons recommendation unless you have a surgeon *****ally doesn't care. Mine does both and is comfortable with both, so I looked at a bunch of articles and finally decided that there was a very very very slight possibility that the Realize band patients had better weight loss, and because the port was a quick-fasten there was less messing with the site, and therefore a slightly smaller risk of port infection (VERY SLIGHT) and since my surgeon prefers Realize, it became an easy call. Message me if you'd like some of the articles I looked at, or if you have any other questions

As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!
on 1/20/09 5:26 pm
well I know my doctor says he only does the realize band...why I haven't a clue. I was just wondering if there was anything to thatl But glad someone knows the truth. I've read papers...searched it and everything and didn't find where the realize band is suppose to help you lose more weight. Just got to thinking...did I do my research long enough. But now I know..Thanks. HOPE ALL IS WELL!
on 1/21/09 2:42 am - Climax, MI
Wow.  Thanks!  That's some excellent information.  I did a little research, but you really got down into the details.  I got a Realize band on Monday, 1/12/09 and I'm doing really well.  I got a definite "vibe" from my physician and all the staff at the surgery center that they prefer the Realize band. 

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

Jessica H.
on 1/21/09 12:41 am
I had surgery yesterday and came out with the realize band.  I am ok with it but I had not done any research on it.  I did not know that it was an option.  Only pain I am having is from the hiatal hernia repair and from the gas that they used to expand my stomach.
on 1/21/09 2:47 am - Climax, MI

I'm glad that gas goes away!  There should be a totally different word to describe the gas that you get after the surgery and for the week following until it all gets out.  Maybe something like TragiGas?  Fatal Flatulence?  something.  Gas just seems like way too mild a word.

Congratulations and best wishes for your speedy recovery! 

Oh and one thing nobody told me... don't bend at the waist if you can help it.  And another thing, I got kind of a pull on one of my suture sites on the right side, I think because I sleep on my left side.  What I found to be really helpful was to rest my belly on a pillow to keep it from sagging and pulling on the incision.

If you don't like your life, change the way you're living

on 1/21/09 9:28 am - Cincinnati, OH
On January 20, 2009 at 8:32 PM Pacific Time, Sebrena C. wrote:
Is it true that the realize band is suppose to help you lose more weight than the regular Lap Band?? I was told this and haven't heard no one else say this...nor have I read up on anything like this. Just wondering if there was anything to it. Hope all is well and pray that I have my surgery soon!
There has never been a study that conclusively proves that Realize patients lose more weight than Lap Band patients.

Trace W. Curry, M.D.  -- Lap Band, Realize Band, Sleeve Gastrectomy
Cincinnati, Ohio & Northern Ky    http://www.TheBandDoctor.com   
513.559.1222 / 877.442.BAND
DISCLAIMER:  Any information contained within is meant to be general medical advice only.  Please consult your surgeon on your specific problem!
on 1/21/09 2:58 pm
I didn't think that was true. Just made me wonder how come my doctor only does Realize band ....and when this person told me this. I was thinking...is that true? But thanks for the replys! Best of luck to everyone. Oh and Dr. Curry...Keep up the work. We are glad to have someone that knows what they are talking about :)
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