
stupid tracking ticker

on 1/19/09 9:56 am - San Angelo, TX
okay, so i've had a number of people tell me all i had to do was copy and paste (not type) the code in to my profile, but it STILL won't work for me. far from the most important thing in my weight-loss journey, it is nonetheless incredibly frustrating. i cannot find the code error - would one of you (who has a working ticker) be willing to check this against yours and tell me what's off? thanks so much. i'll sleep a little better tonight! ha ha ha


"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

on 1/19/09 10:27 am - Florence, KY
Sorry dear....that was my bad advice....
copy and paste the actual graphic (pic) into the signature tab of your profile settings.   Go to where you set up your profile and there is a tab for message boards (or posts...something like that) Under that tab you set your signature preferences.  You need to paste the graphic into that block.   Hope this helps!
Michael S.
on 1/20/09 12:46 am - WI
REALIZE Band on 02/20/09 with
Sonja has it exactly right.

The "Code" does not work on the website.  You right click and hit "copy" on the image of the ticker (from the page that is showing the code). 

Then go to your signaute line and right click and "paste" the image in. 

that's it!


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7.0cc in my 9.5cc Band (Sweet Spot)

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on 1/20/09 6:45 am, edited 1/20/09 6:45 am - Hampton, GA
I right clicked the picture copied the photo of the ticker into the signature and it added it  and have to redo it every time

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on 1/20/09 11:56 am - San Angelo, TX
thank you thank you THANK YOU! i FINALLY got my thick head around the concept you were all trying to share with me and copied - not the code - but the PICTURE! hurray! am i the only one who's bothered by silly little things like this? maybe my thick-head-edness will help others similarly afflicted. ha ha ha

"Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." - Winston Churchill

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