
Going for 1st fill tomorrow

Nicole Wilson
on 1/18/09 5:25 am - Indianapolis, IN
I am going for my 1st fill tomorrow at 2:40.  What happens?  Does it hurt?  Do I have to be on a liquid diet?  What can I eat afterwards?  Help...
on 1/18/09 5:50 pm
Well I'm in the process of trying to have the Band....Just wanted to say good luck...I hope you find your answer that you're looking for because I'm in the same boat...lol I haven't a clue what happens lol. Let me know how it goes with the fill...that's the one thing thats got me concerned. I'm wondering if its gonna be painful too. Never heard anyone complain about it though...and I know quite a few people thats had it done. Hope all goes well and good luck with the weight loss.

on 1/18/09 8:30 pm - Scottsville, VA
I have had 3 fills so far.  The only thing that 'hurts' is that he numbs the area around the port.  The procedure itself doesn't hurt  at all.  You go on a liquid diet (or at least I did) for a couple of days after the fill, then pureed and finally back to solids.

I didn't really feel any restriction until the 3rd fill.

Don't worry.

Marsha B.
on 1/18/09 11:45 pm - VA
I had my first fill on the 9th.  No numbing, but didn't hurt at all.  Just a little pressure.  Actually watched on the screen.  Pretty cool.  Liquids for 2 days, soft for 1 day and then back to eating.  I've had some restriction.  Good Luck!!!!

on 1/19/09 8:07 am - Florence, KY
Had my 4th fill today and really it isn't that bad.  My doc doesn't even numb it because it only takes one stick....why go through sticking you to numb it if he just sticks your port one time? (his rationale and I agree).  If you can handle getting a flu shot...you are good to go LOL  Each doc has their own protocol for afterward; mine does liquid for 2 1/2 days then mushies for a day then regular food.
Good Luck!
on 1/20/09 6:49 am - Hampton, GA
Not really I felt a sting from the needle the second fill
I had restriction after the 3 days liquid diet so she had to take a we bit out the following Tuesday .. Youll start with soups and protein shakes and then work to mashed potatoes and other soft things .. thats how i did it ...  good luck

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on 1/20/09 11:31 pm
I just had my first fill yesterday (6 months post-op).  It did not hurt and all they did was stick me with the fill needle.  It was over in 30 seconds.  I'm on a liquid diet for 24 hours and it's not bad at all.  I'm doing things like tomato soup, Slim Fast, and iced tea and water.  Not bad!
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