
Happy Friday

on 1/16/09 2:29 am - Hampton, GA
Just came to say Hello and hope all are well having a fun cool day today Brrr!!!! nice day to run on the treadmill or walk in my case .... Had a small Lean cuisine lunch now I am ready for anything ... my tummys warm and I am feeling good . I dont have alot of those days sooooooooooo yipppppeeee!!!! ... Have a Blessed weekend

New Years Resolution
Get Healthy
And Keep My Word

on 1/16/09 4:20 am - Scottsville, VA
Hello there!

I just got back from having a haircut/eyebrow wax and am waiting for my husband as we need to go and visit someone in the nursing home this evening.

I do 30 minutes on my treadmill every morning and it really  I don't run but walk briskly.

Have a great day!

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