
I wish that I would of had the RNY, instead of the Realize Band...

on 1/5/09 3:50 am - Scottsville, VA
This is so very true, Mike!

Each day is a clean slate, but also each minute is as well. 

I ate a couple of candies this morning, but I didn't finish the whole box!

Keeping myself out of beating myself up and giving up is the real key to continued success.


on 1/7/09 8:54 pm - NY
Hi Nicole.  Be patient.  I think you only feel that way right now.  Because we didnt hve the RNY, we are not going to lose quicker.  We all know that...unfortunately.  I ate everything aftersurgery.  BUT ME___i was happy that i was still able to...(after the liquid stage of course).  Its probably bad of me to say, but i was angry at myself for doing this to myself IMMEDIATELY AFTER SURGERY--LIKE THAT DAY....that it got better for me.  I still get upset that "im not losing fast enough".  I think of it as i lost 90lbs that i wouldnt of lost on my own!  I still went past 9 months of my life anyways, so why not lose some weight!  Of course i still get discouraged and hate everyone that eats like i did when im around them, because i want to still eat like that.  Right now, i cant eat much.  I think i have too much in my band, but i am soooo happy i went with the band....i dont know how the rnyers do it!  I really dont.  Its difficult enough when you start getting filled more with the band let alone the rny.  I am happy that i can still eat somewhat "normal".  Aside from not being able to eat bread or any pasta, i can eat pretty much anything......

I wish you luck and you will be fine.  its frustrating either way we have surgery. 

Nothing Tastes as good as being thin feels!!
Highest/ Current
335          185

Janine P.
on 1/8/09 7:08 am - Long Island, NY
Nicole... Gimme a break.  You're causing your own disappointment.

You know the rules.  You said it yourself that you're drinking after you eat, eating foods you shouldn't be, and eating more than you're supposed to.

You definitely picked the hardest WLS, but you needed to be prepared for the life change.

WLS does not "Fix" you.  It won't change your behavior.  It won't turn you into a health nut.  It won't change what you put in your mouth.  YOU are responsible for that.

You need to realize that this requires effort and it seems like you're putting none of that into the pot.

I can tell you that no insurance company will pay for a revision so soon.  You need to be at least 2-3 years out and show that your original WLS has done nothing but hinder your health.  So kiss that idea goodbye for now.

Get it together.  You had the enthusiasm to HAVE weight loss surgery.  Now come to grips with the fact that you'll need to put in some work.


Janine   Me on Youtube 


on 1/8/09 7:19 am - Canada
I agree...nothing worth while is ever easy.  Take one step at a time and remember...slow and steady wins the race.  Start by doing practicing not drinking after you eat...once you get that one down, move onto something else.  Heck it took years to get to this point, it's not going to change over night.  Give yourself a break.  Don't be so hard on yourself.  This is a very emotional time for you.  Just take a deep breath, start over and strong.  YOU CAN DO THIS!



Band 7/13/08-419.5 lbs  VSG 9/3/09-346 lbs  DS 3/7/11 - 315 lbs   CW: 197

Kate -True Brit
on 1/8/09 7:21 am, edited 1/8/09 7:33 am - UK
Jean M.
on 1/8/09 7:43 am
Revision on 08/16/12
And how exactly would RNY change your behavior?

RNY patients have to make the same lifestyle changes as band patients do in order to succeed.

I very much doubt that any insurance policy would pay for a 2nd surgery just because you changed your mind.

It is way, way too soon for you to judge the success of your band.  Of course you don't have restriction yet - you need fill.


Jean McMillan c.2009-2013 - Always a bandster at heart
author of Bandwagon (TM), Strategies for Success  with the Adjustable Gastric Band & Bandwagon Cookery. Bandwagon for Kindle now available on Amazon.  Read my blog at: jean-onthebandwagon.blogspot.com 





on 1/8/09 8:01 am - Springfield , MO
I think you need additional teaching because if you were expecting to lose right off the bat you either were not taught appropriatley or you were not paying attention. Either way get off the pity train and give this a chance to work, suck it up and do what your supposed to!

                                   It's a Lapband....Not a labotomy!!
on 1/8/09 8:38 am - Hampton, GA
I had mine on 9/10/08
And just had my 2nd fill Tuesday, well if this is how it suppose to be I will loose
because I can't eat anything this go round. Soup has a hard time going down.
But still in it's self, I am glad I had the band, Wait on your fill before you
decide it is not working. I am waiting and asking questons to find out if this
restriction is normal .. Good Luck

New Years Resolution
Get Healthy
And Keep My Word

on 1/8/09 8:41 am - Austin , TX

Let's see, you have no fill, newly banded, havne't had any exercise, and your eating all the wrong things.....do you think you might be the cause of the problem!  Sorry, but you don't have my support....



on 1/8/09 8:53 am - OR
Gosh, if you don't want to follow the program as outlined, well then of course you will be a failure.  You have got to put effort into it. 

Gotta say, I am totally happy with my band....and my weight loss. 

Happiness is an attitude.  We either make ourselves miserable, or happy and strong.  The amount of work is the same.  ~Francesca Reigler


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