
I wish that I would of had the RNY, instead of the Realize Band...

Nicole Wilson
on 1/3/09 10:52 am - Indianapolis, IN
I had my realize band on 12/10 and I will not have my first Dr. visit until 1/5.  I wish that I would of had the RNY surgery instead of the Realize Band.  I am not losing weight fast enough, I have cheated so many times, it's not funny.  I feel like such a failure.  I haven't worked out yet because I wanted to be cleared by my doctor first before I do anything.  I drank right after I eat, I eat foods that I shouldn't, and I eat morw then I am supposed to.  I feel like I have no restrictions....Will insurance approve another surgery, so that I can have the RNY?  Tricare is paying for my surgery...
Kim Francis
on 1/3/09 11:44 am - Cranston, RI
I'm not sure if this is going to help you or not, but I have 2 family members who had the RNY and they cheat all the time, the only things they don't cheat with are those that they can no long digest.  1 NEVER took off any weight and the other had put a good portion back on.   That is Y i choose the Realize band ( to be done next Tuesday)  To give me that boost.   Remember each of these surgeries are Tools, they will not do this for us if we don't work with them. 

Your Dr. Appointment is monday only a short time away, write down all of your questions/comments/concerns and make sure you don't leave with out all of your answers. Then call your Insurance company and talk with them.  

We;re here to support you anytime you need it1

waiting for revision from band to sleeve surgery date!!

on 1/3/09 12:25 pm
YOu shouldn't have any restriction right now...you don't have anything in your band.  No surgery is going to work if you don't work with it.  You need to step back and take a deep breath.  Once you have a fill, you'll be better.  Before you think about exercising, you need to work on your eating habits.  Concentrate on one thing at a time.  You can do it!  I douby your insurance will pay for another WLS so soon after you had this one.  Better to learn to work with what you have.  You can do it!  You just have to want to do it.
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
on 1/3/09 8:07 pm - Florence, KY
Hey Nicole, everyone is right.  You have no restriction (that is why you don't feel any).  Read all the other posts of frustration...you are not alone.  Right now you are simply on a diet!  Until you get a couple fills the band is not working yet.  Why be so impatient?  Did you put the weight on in a few months?  Why do you cheat?  I am not trying to sound harsh....we have just gone through the hardest part of the year with food temptation and treats and social eating customs-cut yourself a little slack-but you also need to buck up and take accountability and get your head straightened out.  The band will NOT do this for you; you still have to work with it after a fill.  You still have to make good food choices.  Dumping from a RNY to "purge" your bad choices only works for so long....several people I know thought they could control their weight with dumping and continue to make bad choices and became tolerant to the dumping and stopped purging...and began absorbing the sugars and carbs...their weight is back on plus more. 
You need to work through the head hunger and temptations-everyone cheats some...some!  But the band is not your "fix to obesity" it is a tool to help YOU deal with the reasons you overeat and issues regarding food.  That is why I CHOSE the band...I have to still get to the root of my food issues, work through them and make better choices and portion sizes.  Malabsorbtion and dumping are not the answer if you are not willing to work WITH these tools.  I hope this wasn't too tough on you ... but your post was also crying out for a little tough love. HUGS!  
on 1/3/09 9:56 pm
Hang in there Nicole!  Remember that you aren't alone and the things that you feel are holding you back are things you can control.  My program includes visits with a dietician 6 times in the first year so when I really feel like I've made some bad choices, I know I can touch base with her (she even gave me permission to just email her) and she gives me a lot of support to get back on track.  Also, my counselor is also available for the other things that goes along with this...how to deal with questions from friends, co-workers, and family, changes in body image, etc.  Use these tools, along with the band (also a tool) and keep reading through the booklets that you have with the hints to make to process (not just the band) successful.  1-2 lbs / week is normal.  I know I didn't put the weight on in 2 months so what I'm down, in the last 2 months, I'm thankful for.  Good luck at your appointment on Monday!
on 1/4/09 6:22 am - Scottsville, VA
I certainly know how you feel.  I have had a hard time sticking to the "diet" and have lost 26 pounds since Sept. 29th.  I too have often thought that if I had been braver alot more of this weight would be off if I had had RNY.

BUT  I have never been sick to my stomach since the surgery.

I felt good after one week post surgery.

I am off my diabetes medicine.

Thank goodness, after 3 fills I am finally feeling some restriction.  Don't give up just do your best and know it will kick in to work after some fills.


Michael S.
on 1/5/09 12:09 am - WI
REALIZE Band on 02/20/09 with
Congradulations on being off your diabetes meds!!!

I am a diabetic, and I wonder if you still check your blood sugar out of habit?

on 1/5/09 3:47 am - Scottsville, VA
I check my fasting blood sugar in the mornings once in awhile, but it has been staying in the 90's most of the time.  I can feel it drop sometimes during the day, but not dangerously so.

Melanie C.
on 1/4/09 8:24 am - Inverness, FL
I konw exactly what you mean Nicole.. I have been going through and making the same mistakes you have.. I drink after I eat, I eat what I shouldnt and eat more then im suppose to and I also wondered If I made the wrong choice...but, my Nephews Wifes aunt had the surgery and in the second week she said that it wasnt worth it (lapband)..she was so miserable and sorry she had done it..Well that helped me make up my mind...I wasnt gonna do it... after she got her fills and started losing more weight she told my Nephew to tell me that she was so happy she had it done and she loves it....and with the help from other people on this site that put me in my place yesterday Im certain its gonna get better and Im going to be successful... Please be patient and know that its all gonna be ok... Good Luck
Michael S.
on 1/5/09 12:19 am - WI
REALIZE Band on 02/20/09 with

I see it's been a few days since you posted this.

How are you doing today?  Do you still have the same feelings or doubts?

You mention that you have "cheated".  How bad did you cheat?  Did you eat as much as you used to?  Or did you make less than perfect food choices?

We all have our food daemons to fight, this is a lifestyle change!  The surgery happens in one day, but the total change can take some time.

At the support groups I go to I always hear something interesting that makes me think, and always helps me out.

It's the ALL or NOTHING mentality.
-Once you "cheat" a little, you think to yourself... well I've already ruined today, might as well go all the way.  This is a negative behavior you need to get away from.  Just because you cheated a little doesn't meat you ruined ANYTHING.  Think about how you used to eat.  Have you made an improvement on that?

THAT is the key.  Making improvement.  Say you have a sweet tooth for... Licorice.  You know you are supposed to have 0, but are eating 10 pieces a day.  If you were able to cut back to say 5, that's an improvement in your eating habits, and something to be proud of.

Same works for exercise.  Say you are supposed to work out 30 minutes a day 5 days a week, and right now you are doing 0.  If you work out 2 days for 30 minutes, you didn't fail.  You have improved!  Be proud that you worked out 2 days instead of 0!

This may or may not help, but I hope it helps!

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