
Post Holidays Resolution

on 1/2/09 10:09 am - Maryville, TN
RNY on 04/02/12
I've made some resolutions for 2009, and one of them is to have my surgery!

I did really well over the last year. I lost 20 lbs, give or take, since signing with the clinic in January (For a total loss of 50 lbs in two years!), then maintained the loss all year. But in frustration over my inability to gain my psychologist's approval I gave up and over the holidays I imploded and ate everything in sight, including my arch-nemesis: chocolate. Now I've gained those 20 lbs back and feel physically and spiritually AWFUL!

So, I'm starting over before I hit 300 lbs again by going back on the two week preop liquids diet to prove to myself that I can still do it and to make myself feel better physically. And I'm going to confront my psychologist (in a kind and gentle way) and find out once and for all if she ever foresees approving me. If not, then I think it will be time to try another psychologist. If s/he says the same thing, THEN I'll rethink the wisdom of having the surgery.

I worked hard in 2008 to reach a place where I feel I am ready for surgery. The result is that everything is a "Go" except for the psych eval, and even there I've done everything asked of me. What more can I do? It's so very frustrating. And my slipping over the past few weeks is demoralizing to say the least. I'm fighting not to let doubt begin to eat away at my determination.

My other resolutions? After shattering my wrist trying to learn to ride, I've decided that in 2009 I will NOT be getting on any more horses until I'm small enough to ride one more suited to my height than my weight (13.5 to 14 hands vs. 17+ hands...a big difference)! And I'm going to work diligently on my passive-aggressive problem with lateness.

Wish me luck!
on 1/2/09 2:23 pm - Scottsville, VA
Best of luck Trianni!

My resolution was to register for the little gym here in the villiage.  I stopped by and picked up all the paper work and will try to get it filled out over the weekend and see if I can get a key on Monday.

I slipped over the holidays also, and gained 4 pounds and I have had the lap band since Sept. 29th.  Got an adustment and was doing well until last evening and then snacked onsome cheese sticks and almonds so hope I can get back with it today (Saturday)

Cat took over the bed so I am moving down to the couch.

Hope your wrist is getting better!


on 1/3/09 12:09 am, edited 1/3/09 12:14 am - Maryville, TN
RNY on 04/02/12
Hi Jeane,

Thank you for your words of encouragement! They mean everything. And best of luck on achieving your own resolutions!

on 1/2/09 10:25 pm
I hope to have surgery, too.  I hope your psy approves you.  Sounds like you've done all that has been asked.  If not, then I agree...get a second opinion!  Best of luck to you!
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
on 1/3/09 12:14 am - Maryville, TN
RNY on 04/02/12
Hi Kelly,

My P.A. at the weight clinic gave me the list of psychologists to work from again and I've already made an appointment with another psychologist just in case. Let's keep our fingers crossed that I don't have to keep that appointment but if I do, well, we'll hope for the best.

Thank you for your words of encouragement. They mean a lot! And best of luck in your journey, too!

on 1/3/09 5:22 am
Well, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! 
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
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