
Actual Weight Loss Starting from Band Implantation

on 1/2/09 11:55 pm - Newport News, VA
Thanks for sharing! It is really helpful to hear about the journey of others. I thought your comment about your hubby was hilarious. I think I felt something similar when looking at my partner and relatives this Christmas

on 1/7/09 1:00 am - Harrisburg, PA
Lori - this is so off topic but I love your avatar pic.  How fun!
on 1/7/09 7:13 am - Newport News, VA
Thanks Ashley!!

Vicky S.
on 1/1/09 10:14 pm - Taunton, MA
My surgery day weight was 263.  Today's weight is 232.  Down 31 pounds since 9/15. (Lost 17 lbs pre-op for a total of 48 lbs since June.)

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


on 1/1/09 10:44 pm - IL
i had my realize band on 9/9/08 ,i have lost 15 lbs but only after i had my second fill. i now have 7cc in the band and that was a 1cc tweek on 12/10/08 and i have restriction now.....i luv that i am full after a little bit of food....the hard part is not drinking with food.
you are the boss ...you choose!
good luck!
on 1/2/09 1:15 am - VA
 This is a dilema that we all face and to tell you my opinion here we go..........  I think the advise given to me is  to say that the band will not really make the difference, they all are good products. It will be you and your choices you make for the rest of your life that makes the difference in the weight lose process AFTER the surgery.

 I had my surgery on Oct. 3rd, 2008.  I choose the realize band and have lost 60lbs.  It has been lots of work and commitment, but I feel that I must do it to change my health for life.  SOme of my issues have gone down or away.My blood sugars are normal at my last check, my b/p is normal for the first time in 20 years.  I have more energy and exercise is a key component!!!!  I say all this to encourage positivity for the lap-band procedure.  Changes for life. Some FYI, I have not had anything stuck in my throat nor have I had the urge to throw up.  I must say that I follow the rules, measure food, no liquids, no empty calories, no carb. sodas-ever, protein first, then fruit-vegs, then carbs.  I rarely have carbs that are bad.  Exercise-walking is all I did until recently I started weight machines, but in slow steps.

Here is some more FYI..

My daughter had the new Realize-C band that just came out. She had her surgery on Nov. 24th.  This is the one I would choose if was having it done this month and could get it, it has some updates that are good in my opinion.  She has lost 36lbs.  We "work the program".  I think the original lap band is good as well and has it's asset's.  So bottom-line, I can only tell you what I have experienced, but I am satisfied with my choice.  

This can and will change your life, health and happiness.  Nothing is easy about this and most people do not understand it -that know nothing about the band.  They assume it is a miracle thing and no work.  Far from being that, you must be committed to changing your life.  I look forward to the day that i can do things I have not done in years.  I guess I am. I am exercising of which I had no drive to do it or my health kept me down physically and mentally.  In fact I really have never liked it, but walking is good for me.  I feel without the exercise, my weight loss would not be as successful as it is.  The same for my daughter. 

Well I hope this helps you in some way.  Take care.

on 1/2/09 2:52 am - AZ
My suegery was 12/10. My weight at home that day was 293. It's now 277 so that's 16 pounds plus the 6 or 7 pounds I regained and relost over Christmas. Over the summer and fall I went from 317 to 293 on my own. compare 16 lbs. in 3 weeks to 24 pounds in 5 months. I'm proud of both. I haven't had a fill yet, either.

My surgeon does both bands, but doesn't seem to feel one is better than the other. It all depends on you. You might be able to get a rubber band to do the same thing and in the end it's still up to you -what you put in your mouth and how you exercise.

on 1/2/09 3:05 am - Newport News, VA
I had surgery on 12/22 and lost 22 pounds so far. This is sad...but I don't remember which band I have.

Happy New Year!

on 1/2/09 4:04 am - GA
Hi Gina,
Last year (seems like yesterday) when I started my journey for WLS I  began the Nutrisystem program. Between Jan 08 and August 08 I lost 40 lbs. I was banded 8/22 and have lost 40 lbs. so that is 8 months vs 4 months- I think it does make a difference. Now, if I had been extra good over the Christmas holidays, I know that I would have lost more since banded- oh well, I am now back on the bandwagon.  Hope this helps for you.
on 1/2/09 6:23 am - KY
I had my surgery on April 17, 2008 and I have lost 114 pounds.  I did start exercising a couple of months after the surgery.  I lose weight quickly but I gain quickly too.  Hope this helps.

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