

on 12/27/08 9:19 pm

Do any of you have a glass of red wine with dinner?  Do you think it poses a problem with the band?  Red wine relaxes and I haven't had any, but is seriously contemplating a glass. 

on 12/27/08 10:26 pm
if i am at a social gathering and there will dinner, i WILL drink wine with dinner, mainly to push anything down that might get stuck.  any other time i have wine it is a good half to hour after dinner.
Michelle F.
on 12/28/08 8:55 am
My doctor told me that it will relax the esophagus having a glass of wine before dinner. I only drink red wine, and I only have 1 glass but it truly does prevent me from having problems when I'm out to dinner.

Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

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