
Decisions--LapBand or RNY??

on 12/27/08 2:40 am - Mobile, AL
I've read numerous stories about people that have had the LapBand surgery and they were not too successful in reaching their goal. I've also read stories about those who chose to have the RNY and met or exceeded their goals. I will be having the surgery in about 5 months. My doctor's office says to decide on which I want to do before they submit the documents to
my insurance company but I'm really uncertain on which one. I know there are more complications with RNY, however, the weight loss is fabulous. Then with lapband, you will have
minimal complications and the weightloss is not so great. I've even heard of people only losing about 60 lbs in a year. Can someone please tell me how did you make your decision on which surgery to have and if you've heard these stories also. Thanks.
Titanium Blonde
on 12/27/08 3:03 am
You will get more responses if you post this on the lap band forum.  I have had my  band over 3 years.  I am wearing a size 4-6.  My weight loss HAS been fabulous.  I have gone to many a support meeting and watched so sadly quite a few people who  have had RNY cry over gaining 50 plus pounds after 2 years.  After awhile they quit coming to the meetings.  Keep in mind the band is adjustable for life.  After you get good restriction it is maintenance free. I made my decison for lap band because I did not want to cut up and rearrange perfectly good organs.  I intend to keep my anatomy pretty much the way the good  lord designed it.  Good luck to you.

on 12/27/08 3:50 am - Mobile, AL
on 12/27/08 9:22 am - Columbia, SC
Just pray and ask God to guide you in your decision we all had to pretty much research and make the choice for best for your life style either one you decide you will still be nervous right through the entire process especially the day of surgery. I have 2 daughters and my 15 year old daughter did not want me to have the surgery at all so I had to take into consideration of her feelings and the risk so on Dec 2 I had the realize band surgery and I am pretty much satisfied. Just searcg and decide there is no wrong and right answer the choice is up to you.
Michelle F.
on 12/28/08 8:53 am
I researched both surgeries extensively and realized that I didn't want to have my insides rearranged.  That's not to say I wouldn't have another surgery if my band failed, but for me the band was the right choice.  As for slow weight loss, I've lost 84 pounds in less than 7 months, I don't consider that slow!  It will also depend on how much weight you have to lose.  My best friend had RNY 10 weeks ago and has lost less than 30 pounds...she isn't following any of the rules and thought that WLS would take away her problems.

Whichever surgery you decided to have, realize that this is not a quick fix and it is certainly not the easy way.  It is a struggle every day to deal with emotions instead of eating them away, any WLS is just a tool.  For me, the band was one that I chose to utilize.

Good luck!

Band to Sleeve Revision 3/1/11

on 12/28/08 1:08 pm - Mobile, AL
Thanks Michelle and congratulations on your successful weight loss. I'm sure once I travel this road, I will be just as successful as you are. I have at least 150 lbs to lose so I'm looking forward to having the surgery but it's just always helpful when you can ask someone else that has been down that road, their opinion on the type and why they felt it was best for them. Thank you so much for the reply. I really do appreciate it. Thank you.
on 1/3/09 12:40 am - Florence, KY
Jazzy-one thing that pushed me to band surgery was the band forced ME to deal with the reasons I overeat and gained the weight.  It was more of an "assisting device" to working towards healthier choices than it was an obesity fix.  I struggled with the malabsorption issues and the re-arranging of my digestive tract to deal with my obesity with the RNY.  Band surgery is slower weight loss...and forces you to confront the head hunger and food choices a little more pro-actively than dumping syndrome and malabsorption.  That is not to say that RNY is the wrong choice-it is not.  Each surgery has it's reasons, it's achievements and it's downfalls and only you can decide what is right for your body and your emotional/mental attachments to food.
on 12/28/08 8:50 pm
Jazzy -
I am choosing the band (haven't had surgery yet...hope to in March or April) because of the following reasons:
1.  Band - complications less...I have a family (husband and 3 kids), I didn't want any chances of something happening to me
2.  Lose at a slower pace - I am in no hurry to get this weight off.  I, like you, have about 150 pounds to get off.  With the loss at a slower pace, I have less likely a chance of loose skin, hair loss, and other side effects of losing weight so rapidly.  Did you know that studies have shown that in 5 years RNY and Band pateints have the same amount of weight lost?
3.  The malabsorption issue - It bothered me that food was leaving my body so quickly that it didn't even have time to abosorp the vitamins and minerals from it.
4.  I liked that I can be adjusted for LIFE.  If I feel I'm eating a little more than I use to, I can go and get a fill to help get me back on track...RNY, not so much. 
I can't think of much more right now.  Do research and think about what would be best for YOU.  I just read EVERYTHING I could online.  Let me know how things go for you!  It's an exciting time, either way...you (and I) are about to start a new LIFE!!!  I am excited!  (Can you tell?!  LOL!)
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
on 12/29/08 5:41 am
VSG on 10/18/17
It is so important to do a lot of research yourself. There is so much information to sift through out there. What you should keep in mind is that you know yourself best and you will have to live with your WLS decision. I researched WLS for the last three years. I just had my Realize Band surgery on 12-10-08 and I am thrilled so far. Yes, it is too soon to see how successful I will be, but I am determined to make this work for me. I did not want the radical life changes that go with RNY. I also feel that slower weight loss is healthier overall. I like that the band is a tool and I have to make the tool work. I did not want my digestive system re-routed. I did not want malabsorption issues. I went into this in fairly good health and want to be healthier. The surgery was much easier than I thought it would be and I am healed and feeling great. I will have my first fill in 2 weeks and I like the idea of the band being adjustible to best meet my weight loss needs. If you follow the "Band Rules" you can be very successful with a band and have significant weight loss. This web site is very helpful and informative. You will read both the good and the bad. I recommend you also check out the Realize Band web site. There is now an even more improved Realize Band called the Realize-C that will be out in February 09. And of course, check out surgeons and choose one with a great reputation and experience in the WLS you decide on. Best of luck to you!
Jo Ann M.
on 12/30/08 4:18 am - Edison, NJ
I understand what you're going through.  I went back and forth quite a bit before making my decision.  I had about 200 lbs to lose and I knew the RNY would be so much faster, but....  I have a young (13) son and I didn't want to take a risk with the more invasive surgery, as well as being in the hospital for a longer period of time.

I had my surgery on March 27, 2008 (9 months ago) and to date I've lost 85 lbs.  Yes it is much slower in the beginning..  but I feel FANTASTIC. 

Do your research and go with what feels "right" for you.  Don't worry about which is faster...  just know that even after a few months, you'll feel so much better!!

Good luck and if there's any other information, don't hesitate to ask!!

  Always, Jo Ann
        (but hopefully less of me soon )
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