

Nicole Wilson
on 12/22/08 10:50 pm - Indianapolis, IN
I had my Realize band put on Dec. 10th and I am starving and tired all the time.  I have no energy.  Also the area around my port is killing me and my lower back is hurting.  Are these systems normal?  Help....
on 12/23/08 1:56 am - Green, OH
I had my band put on Dec 3rd.  I also have periods where i am really hungry - and I was surprised.  But I also learned that 1/2 c of broth eaten with a spoon quickly quelled my hunger.  My surgeon has me eating/drinking all day - liquids only - so if I get hungry I have sugarfree jello or a glass of skim milk and it seems to take care of the hunger pains.  My port site is still sore - I guess it can take 4-6 weeks for the tenderness to go away.  But I am back to full activity and all of my small scars are healed over.

I agree with you on the back pain - it was entirely unexpected.  I thought maybe I had a kidney infection or something.  I am in ketosis and a diabetic so I am really concerned about my kidneys.  I talked to the surgeon's nurse about it and since the pain seems to be fine in the am but pretty bad by night it is more muscle soreness. I think I am holding my stomach funny because of the fear of pain and that is making my back sore.   I wrapped presents a few days ago and my back was so sore when I was done I wanted to cry.

Has anyone else expienced a sore lower back after lap band surgery?
Del Rae
on 12/23/08 5:43 am - denver, CO

I had my band put in on 12/10 as well. II have gotten to move to a soft food diet so I'm not hungry anymore. How long are you on liquids?

about 4-5 days after surgery I moved to yogurt, cottage cheese, re fried beans and it was the best day because I too was ready to peel the wallpaper off the wall!  However, I still have to supplement the protein with drinks or shakes etc...

My port is still sore as well. I think I have recently over did it (carrying more then 10 pounds) and have been super sore yesterday and today. I'm not tired or weak. And I'm not experiencing lower back pain. But from other posts that seems to be normal. 

My only complaint is the amount of air/gas that is putting pressure on my stomach. It is horrible! I walk and walk and walk and can't seem to make the burping go away. It is so frustrating not to mention hurts. 

I found a drink called Muscle Milk light that really seems to curb the appetite. It's an 8oz box and it great for throwing in the purse etc...

Good luck,
renee K.
on 12/23/08 8:46 am - Augusta, GA
Port pain is expected, but it shouldnt be "killing you"  if it is, you need to call your doc for sure.  Just remember your body has undergone quite an adjustment physically and mentally.  There is a foreign object inside your body.  It will take some adjusting to.

As far as no energy, are you getting in your protein?  I thought i was going to die the first 2 weeks!  Once i got my chewable vitimans and my protein in i was 100% better that same day.  But beleive me i wanted to die i felt so bad!

Hang in there it does get better.   I didnt beleive it when people told me in the beginning, because when I was in the middle of the pain/frustration/hunger/exhaustion that was all i could focus on.  Find something to take your mind off of it, walk as much as you can and sip your water.......lots of water!


Melanie C.
on 12/26/08 5:37 am - Inverness, FL
Hi, I had my surgery on Dec 16th and have felt the same way you feel... except for the back pain.. That is one of the reasons I had this surgery is because my doctor said the weightloss would help with my herniated disc. So, im not sure if its my usual pain or from the surgery. Im so hungry but now I'm affraid that when I finally get to have some solid food Im gonna gain weight. I cant wait for my first fill... hopefully things will be easier by then... Good Luck Everyone!!
on 12/26/08 8:35 pm, edited 12/26/08 8:35 pm - Watertown, MA
Nicole -

I had my surgery on 9/25/08 and my port site bothered me for weeks afterward.  It was probably at least 6 weeks before I wasn't so acutely "aware" of it.  It will go away - your body is just adjusting to it.  Don't do any lifting and avoid bending as much as you can.

The hunger you are feeling could be two things - your body could still have some of the gas that was pumped in you during surgery so that could be causing a gurgling sound which could make you think you're hungry OR it could be head hunger (the toughest part of our journey).  I always try to drink some water when I think I'm hungry in between meals - sometimes it works/sometimes it does not but it helps me to determine whether or not I am physically hungry or head hungry.

Even though the surgery is quick and we're out of the hospital quick as well, you have just had "major" surgery so aches and pains are normal.  I was tired for about 3 weeks post-op.  Obviously every day got a little better but for a while there I thought I was going to live in a perpetual state of tired which wasn't going to be any fun.

Give it some time - you'll see - your life will be different in a matter of weeks and all these issues will be so far gone you won't remember them!

Congrats on the surgery!

Happy New Year!

on 12/29/08 1:24 am, edited 12/31/08 1:59 am - Green, OH
I'm on liquids for 6 weeks - sugar-free jello and pudding, thin cream of wheat, applesauce, broth, tomato soup, popsicles, protein drinks, milk and water/crystal light.  I have two weeks to go.  The first three weeks I lost tons of weight, but this last week I have lost almost none - even though I am on the same diet.  I am guessing my matabolism has adjusted to the low calorie diet.  I'm ok with the hunger thing, pretty much managing it with the protein shakes and liquids.  The back pain seems to have pretty much subsided. The port pain is minor, more of just an awareness if someone squeezes me there than any real pain.  I will be 4 weeks post surgery on Wednesday.
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