
Realize enough?

on 12/19/08 12:55 pm
I am to a point now that I have ahd all my test done and I am just waiting on the approval.  I have ideally 150lbs to lose.  My doctor thought RNY would be my best option at first, but because I am so young and what my life includes and my objective to have a family in the future he then suggested and decided on the band as my best option.  My worry is that he says at most he sees me losinf 80lbs.  That still puts me in the 200s and i'd like to be 150-175.  I am committed to working and eating well.  I am just so discouraged that no matter how hard I work I will be stuck in the heavy category no matter what.  does anyone have any insight on this?  Is it realistic to get down that far (150lbs weight loss) on the band even if i am committed ot working out etc. ? Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
on 12/19/08 10:02 pm - WV
I can not speak from personal experience, but on the LapBand forum there are lots of people that lost 100% of their weight. It is all about making the changes to your lifestyle and eating habbits to get to were you want.

There is nothing with the band that will stop the weight loss. You can go as for as you want. Sounds like you are ready to do the work.

Hope this gives you some hope. Crystal

First fill 11/4/08 3cc's  Second fill 12/19/08 2cc's
Third appt 1/27/09 rescheduled
Third fill 3/24/09 1 cc= Total 6cc's

on 12/21/08 1:55 pm - AZ
I just got a band 9 days ago. I get a little discouraged when I hear stuff like that, but some people do lose all their extra weight with a band, just like some gain it all back with an RNY. It's our tool so we have to use it. And remember, we always hear stories about what doctors say that never happens. If the doctor was right, my mom would only have 2 kids instead of 6 and my mother in law would have 0 instead of 4 and my husband would have been dead 33 years ago from a car accident.

Good luck. I hope you hear about approval and a surgery date soon!
on 12/22/08 1:18 am - VA
You will be fine if you make the commitment.  You Can Do It.  If you can invision it, you will acheive it!!  I have lost 60lbs in a little less than 3 months, but it has been from dedication to the rules of the program, changing your eating for life, walking each day if you can, and plenty of will power. Once again, you can do it.  The band will allow you to take it all the way I am positive!!!  My daughter whom is 21 just had the band put in on the 24th of Nov.  She received the very first update of the "Realize Band", called the "Realize-C".   She has lost 31 lbs.   

So, I offer great words of encourgement, positivity, challenges for you in your new decision to change your life forever.  Nothing taste as good as feeling thin.  Once you get that first 20lbs off -you will take off and feel motivated to work hard at your goals.  Take care, wishing you sucess and Merry Christmas.

on 12/22/08 6:05 am - Ocala, FL
how young are you? it sounds like you are in a situation similar to what I was in. Maybe send me a PM and tell me some more details... like, how old are you, what do you do, what kind of insurance you have.

I ended up getting banded. I'm 21.
As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!
on 12/29/08 1:45 am, edited 12/29/08 2:02 am - Green, OH
My surgeon has lap band patients that have lost 100% of their excess weight.  He says exercise is the key - if you use the band the way it was intended.  We have great follow-up with a monthly group meeting where we talk about how we are doing and issues/troubles that I have found really helpful. They say the key to success is eliminating grazing, sweet snacks, liquids with meals and high calorie liquids (like milk shakes).  We are encouraged to have three regular meals a day - the band works best when used that way. If you eat alot of sweets and like to graze, then maybe the bypass is for you.  They talk about "meat and potato eaters" vs. "sweet eaters". Apparently the band works best for people who like meals (Meat and potatoes) but have issues with portion control.  Sweet eaters usually do better with some sort of mal-absorption like bypass.  I am a bit of both - I opted for the realize band, but am only a little over 3 weeks post surgery. I've lost 24 pounds.
Vicky S.
on 12/29/08 2:58 am - Taunton, MA
I so agree with DelRae about the support groups.  I attend 3 different meetings (3 different hospitals) every month... just for the support and to keep myself accountable.

I, for one, intend to loose 100% of my excess weight!  I will do whatever it takes to get there.

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


on 12/29/08 3:08 am, edited 12/29/08 3:11 am - Hampton, GA
I had it done in Sept and in August I was just seeing Dr Hobson my weight on the paper work
says 7/30/08 waiting for approval  278.01 and now I am 217 had my first fill Dec 9th and due for another 6th of Jan.. so far  have to say I am happy with it ..I stil  have days i feel hungry and then once I eat its sticks or trys to ... still all in all It is a learning process what i can and cant eat.. ..
I now can walk alot further than  in the pass  with totally giving out  my energy level could use a boost ... I had the band cause of previous hernia surgeries so that was my best bet they said ... I dropped alot when i  went on the iquid diet before surgery I didnt wait to hear if i was ccepted i did it anyways  better to start early than not at all ..
Have to say it sure knocked off a few  pounds... what ever you can do to help your self try it ... You aren't alone...
Blessings and Prayers..
Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!
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