
I'm very disappointed in myself and the lap band

on 12/28/08 2:13 am
I know exactly how you feel.  I had my band June 5.  I was doing really good, had my mind set and lost a little before the band and was strictly doing the post op diet until June 23, I had a blood clot in my leg.  When I got out of the hospital, even though I was having a bariatric meal plan, I had gained more than my pre surgery weight. 

I have had 4 cc of fills, had to have 3cc taken out in December because of severe stomach pain.  I weigh more now than I ever have in my life.  I really hate that I did this, I was like you I thought the band was a tool to keep me feeling satisfied after a small amount of food, but it does not.  I think everything I was told was incorrect and I am really upset about this.

I lost 40 pounds on my own 2 years ago but gained it back quickly,  the band requires the same amount of willpower as doing it on your own.  So why go through surgery?
on 12/29/08 6:05 pm
Dear Wanda,

Thank you for your post to me.

I am so very, very sorry for all that you have been going through.  Does your doctor give you any explanation for the severe stomach pain? 

I guess you and I have no choice but to go through the process and pray that somewhere along the way, things will  "click"  in our heads and we will begin to see and feel what all the  successful   lap band people are experiencing.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, I'd love to know, from time to time, how you are doing.
In the meantime, know that you will be in my thoughts and prayers.



on 12/30/08 11:45 am
Thanks for writing back.  No I never get an explanation as to why I don't feel good.  I had tests done and of course they found nothing.  I feel not only like a failure but a little crazy too.
Why is this helping other people, and why and I not having the results.

My doctor and hospital are certified as centers of excellence in bariatric procedures, so I felt really good about who I chose.

I am going to try and add you as a friend on this forum if that is ok.

I would love to hear from you and how you are doing.

on 12/29/08 10:20 am - IL
Hi Cindy,

I know exactly how you are feeling.  I too felt no restriction after my surgery.  I had my surgery on 8/05/08.  I did not feel any restriction until my fourth fill.  I also had the misconception that the band would make it easy but have now learned that getting to the surgery was the easy part. Learning how to eat afterward is the hardest part of the weight loss journey.  Don't give up. I had my fourth fill and finally feel restriction.  My doctor explained to me that they don't fill it all up front because this helps you slowly adjust and also prevents complications such as anemia and vomiting.  I have lost about 49 lbs so far and am still learning.  I can't lie and say that there aren't times when I just want to eat and I also think about food alot.  Remember, this is our problem but think positive and you'll get through it.  We are used to eating until our stomachs feel like they are gonna burst and with the band everything changes.  It is like learning how to eat all over again.  Although it has been tough, I don't regret it.  I am proud of my 49 lb weight loss and will continue to fight.  Don't give up! Things will get better. :)

on 12/29/08 5:45 pm
Thanks Martha !

I am very proud of you.  49 lbs. is magnificent !  

Thanks so much for your honesty.  I am going to keep fighting the good fight and I hope and pray that this works for me.


on 12/30/08 6:04 am - Scottsville, VA
Hi, Cindy:

I just had my 3 month appointment and my 3rd fill.  I am also finding it very hard to get any control with the food.  I am back on 2 days liquid and 1 day pureed and know after that it is up to me to only put in my mouth what I am supposed to and as much as I am supposed to and no more.

Hang in there!

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