
I'm very disappointed in myself and the lap band

on 12/21/08 12:38 am
Calperson -
Thank you so much for this comment!  I haven't had my band surgery yet and I started to wonder if it was right for me.  You saying this confirms it is.  Thanks so much!!
Kelly B

Summer Slimmers Challenge!

Most barriers to your success are man-made.  And, most often, you're the man who made them.  ~ Frank Tyger
on 12/21/08 12:16 pm, edited 12/21/08 12:25 pm
Hello Cindy,  please please please, don't get down on yourself, we all have a eating disorder are we would not be here asking question sharing experiences etc, i got my Band 12/18/08, and I must say honestly haven't have any issue's with over eating, and frankly because I'm just starting, but i do know that my pouch is only  able to hold 4 oz of anything. Cindy a made up mine has got to come to you, this band will not make you do anything only you can, you got to have the mind-set that you want the weight to come off, and I'm sure you want that to happen as mention throughout all the forums you got to learn to eat and chew your food, and most of all know your limit's, (portions). Please understand that I to will at some point over eat as most people have mention time after time within these massages boards and forums, and if you notice most  if not all have one common comment overeating will cause vomiting and nausea's. Which leads me back to your comment " When I eat, I end up eating until I feel a blockage in my throat"  Come on Cindy please that not smart think about it you can hold 4 oz of anything practically in you mouth alone. So as I see it you answered your own question you are not trying hard enough to control what your eating. yes you have admitted your self control is a problem, at least that in place but saying and doing are two different things General Colin Powell said "There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure." so you must go back reeducate yourself, and regroup and just start again, I found two books that have been helpful to me
Before & After - by Susan Maria Leach  www.bariatriceating.com very good read and information

Fighting Weight: How I Achieved Healthy Weight Loss with "Banding," a New Procedure That Eliminates Hunger--Forever by Khaliah Ali DAUGHTER OF MUHAMMAD Ali
www.momentoftruth.org  she to has a very good book

so I hope I have not  sounded to critical or to harsh, but Cindy you got to get control,
hoping and praying for your success you can do it, you come to far to quit or fail, take control, all the information is here and all over the Internet, books, your doctor, your surgeon, and all of us, there is no reason to be misinformed Take Control don't eat until you feel blockage in your throat, you know better than that.

God Speed and success to you
and Merry Christmas Dear "You can do it"

on 12/23/08 12:54 am
Dear Larry,

Honestly, I really didn't know if the "blockage in my throat" feeling was what the "full feeling" was all about or not.  I really didn't.  In the beginning, (the first four weeks after surgery),  I was totally satisfied with the four ounces of food.  It was when my doctor told me (after my first fill), that I didn't have to measure or count calories anymore -  just "eat until I felt full", that the confusion set in.

You are absolutely right, Larry, I have to use more self control.  I guess I went into this whole lap band thing thinking that it would be a little easier to attain  self control with the aid of the lap band.  My doctor told me that there are sensors on top of where the lap band is, that send signals to the brain that you are full.  He said that when I didn't have the lap band, the signal didn't go off until that whole big stomach was near full.  He said that with the smaller stomach, the signal would obviously be sent to the brain much sooner than before the lap band and I'd stop eating much, much sooner.  Just didn't happen for me.  

  If I could control my eating and have a healthy discipline about food intake, I wouldn't need the lap band.  I honestly did not realize that I still had to think so very much about what I was doing.  I thought that after the lap band, I would just automatically get a full feeling after eating much less food !  Simple as that ! 

I am, however, realizing (no pun intended), little by little, that this will be a very slow, life changing process.   I  am thrilled that I have had the opportunity to get the lap band and I will fight and fight against this self sabotaging voice inside my head !  I guess I have much to learn about myself and my very bad habits along this journey. 

I found your post very sincere and honest and I thank you for that.  It wasn't the least bit "critical or harsh".  I did search the internet for books and didn't come up with anything like you did.  I guess I'm not too good at the whole "internet thing" yet !

Thank you so much for taking an interest in me and my plight.  You are a very kind man and I appreciate all that you have said.  I will make an honest, hearty attempt to incorporate all of your good advice into my being.

God Bless and Happy Holidays !


P.S.  Ya gotta' love that Colin Powell !  What an awesome quote - thanks for sending it to me.
on 12/23/08 12:15 am
Wow !   Congratulations for making it to your goal weight.  That's just wonderful.  It is also commendable that you go to support meetings. 

I will try and be more patient as I learn all the ins and outs of this wonderful invention.

Thanks for your post.

Renee C.
on 12/22/08 12:28 pm - AZ
Hi Cindy!  I was banded on November 11th, so I have some idea of what you are going through. 

Oh my goodness, I just cannot believe that your doctor told you to eat until you feel full.  That is the #1 HUGE NO NO by my doctor (one of the top 10 band surgeons nationwide).  You are never to eat until you feel full.  You are to eat according to portion size, not according to how you feel.  You will most definitely gain weight or lose very little if you are relying on your stomach with the band. 

The rules of my doctor are to always measure your portions (based on volume, not weight) to measure a cup of food (a cup and a half if you really want to pu**** but no more than that at a time).  You should have at least 3-4 ounces of protein (always eat protein first) then 3-4 ounces of vegetables.  You can only eat so much so make sure you are eating good quality food.   After eating a cup of food (and waiting about 20 minutes) you will feel satisfied.  (Also, my doctor says that we will feel "satisfied," never "full" or "stuffed" - so please note the difference).

You should also only be eating 3-4 meals a day. 

***Please do not rely on your feelings to guide your volume of food that you consume, but rather learn to measure your food.  You must always measure your food to make sure that you do not overeat and do not cause your small small pouch to stretch or your band to slip. 

Also, wait at least 45 minutes after you eat to drink something.  This will help you feel satisfied longer.  

Protein drinks work great in the morning to help you throughout your day as well if you feel that you need more protein.  It is very important to get enough protein per day.  

I hope this information helps you.  Remember that we have to wait to hit our "sweet spot" where we will have more restriction. If you do not measure now, you will really cause complications for yourself later on. 

I wish you all the best as I can understand your concerns.  It is so hard to be patient but remember that we mentally have to understand that even with the band, we still have to do our part.  This is really a tool whereas gastric bypass does all the work for the patients.  We still have to work at it and make good choices. 

Best regards,

on 12/23/08 1:00 am
Hello Renee !

Well, thank you sooo much.  I honestly was not told that I would still have to measure.  I honestly was told to eat until I felt full.   

I am going to regroup and rethink my whole  approach now.

Everyone's comments have been such blessing to me. 

Happy Holidays !

on 12/23/08 1:32 am
Hi Cindy, That's right continue to measure, I been told as you do this , it will become more apparent about portions, and you will know your limits, Ms Renee, is on point my Doctor explain it to me the same way and he to is one of the leading Bariatric Surgeon here in Atlanta. So it seems you are really understanding now, Again, you can regroup, just as you said,

Take care and thanks for your positive disposition

on 12/25/08 9:59 am - Waldorf, MD
Make sure you get 70 - 100 grams of protein a day so that it can control the hunger pangs thats what helps me.
Dusty Cassidy   " It's not a real adventure unless you come home with a scar "                    
Current weight  219.0 Lbs   My  Ideal weight  188   I love my sleeve 
on 12/28/08 12:09 am

Hi Cindy,

I am six months out as of next week, and I still have to work at this every single day.  I have had four fills and am at 5.5cc's and am just staring to feel some restriction.  Take this time as a learning process.  Adopt the good behaviors that you will need for the rest of your life  I find that if I measure my food, eat adequte protein, exercise 5 days per week, drink 80oz of water per day, and don't snack at night I lose about 2 lbs. per week.  If I let just one of these things slide, I don't lose.  It is a lot of work but it is so worth it.  I feel like a new person.  My health has improved 100%. 

I completely understand how hard this is.  I was looking for a miracle.  Sometimes I second guess my decision and think I should have had RNY, but I went this route for a reason and I hope that it will be ok in the end.  Don't lose sight of your long term goals.  I know how frustrating the process is.  It's so much easier to not take care of yourself than to work hard at it.  I know becuase I did  not take care of myself for so many years.  Just think of all these small things as a gift to you - and you well deserve it.  When I am doing well and following the rules I feel great - almost powerful, but when I don't - it really brings me down.  I am now learning that I like to work hard and feel good - much better than doing nothing and feeling bad about myself.  It's hard work everyday and some days I am just not up for it, but I'm not giving up.  I have failed so many times at weight loss but this time i'm in it for the long haul.  I did not go through all of this to fail yet again.

As for feeling full - it is a very odd sensation and is different for everyone.  For me I start to get a slight pain in the right side of my chest.  I will hiccup and when the first hiccup comes I know that I am full.  Also, if I overdo it my nose will run.  It's so strange and no one prepares you for this.  Try to follow the advice posted above and measure the 1 cup and see how you do.  it sometimes just seems like so little food and that is the biggest problem - you mind has to be totally retrained and you are forced to do this on your own - not easy but it can be done.

Just remember that you are so worth the hard work that it takes to succeed!



on 12/29/08 6:17 pm
Hey Jen,

Wow !  I'm impressed with the regimen you adhere to.  That is fantastic !  That is what I wish so bad that I could do.  I just don't "get"  me.  I don't understand what it is going to take for me to do what I am supposed to do.

I will continue to try to do what I know is right and good for me.  You, my dear, keep up the great work. 

Thank you so much for your total honesty and kind, intelligent advice.  You sound like a beautiful soul.  You will succeed this time, I just know it !


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