
I'm very disappointed in myself and the lap band

on 12/22/08 11:13 pm
Hi Lori,

Thanks for your kind post.

I am really frustrated because although I have the lap band, my head is still thinking about food like it will solve all my problems !  Originally, before I got the lap band, I remember the doctor telling me that my brain would register fullness much quicker because of the lap band.  That has not happened yet for me.  Maybe I need to find that "magic" number to have my band tightened to. 

Keep up the good fight !

Happy Holidays,

on 12/18/08 9:56 pm - Ocala, FL


I connected to your post in many ways. First, because our surgery dates are the same! second, because I'm very frustrated with the slow pace. 

I just got my first fill yesterday, and I have been able to eat anything I want without fear before that. I feel like my stomach is just pretty adaptive. with 4ccs, I think I will still be able to do that. or maybe I will be suprised when I start sticking solids in my mouth.

For me, I've lost 25 lbs post op and the band has done none of it. What did do it was starting to exercise. A lot. Many times a day. I started walking right after surgery. and the other thing I found was DDR. DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) is a video game that I got for a PS2. I hooked it up in my room, and now I am able to dance around and work out without having to be at a gym, go anywhere, or worry what anyone is thinking. The other perk for me is the grades it gives me- it pushes my competetive side. That has helped me immensely so far.

As for books, I read a few- and there was one that I reluctantly purchased which is WONDERFUL and practical- it's called "The Emotional First Aid Kit" by Cynthia L. Alexander. It has a lot of support and suggestions for all of the emotional changes and possibilities after surgery. It's not written strictly for Lap-band, but its better than the books I've gotten that were specific.

Truly though, I wonder if you're eating till it's stuck in your throat if seeing a therapist might help you. I'm seeing one currently who's trying to help me distinguish from when I'm hungry and I'm eating emotionally, etc etc. If I have learned so long that I need to eat when I hit certain 'triggers' then it has been really hard to be like, wait--- physically, I'm NOT hungry. And she has helped with that some (and so did the book)

Good luck with everything, let me know how it goes

As someone told me lately, everyone deserves the chance to fly!
on 12/22/08 11:27 pm

Hi Ann !

Thank you so much for your reply to my post.

O.K., what is Dance, Dance Revolution ?  Where do I get it?  What is  a "PS2"?  I would love to get it but I am really "ignorant" to techno stuff.  My husband does all that and he will get it for me but we don't know where to go.  The last time we bought video games for the t.v., it was the original Mario Brothers for my two daughters who are now in their 20's !  lol !

I am so happy for you that you have the gumption to actually stick to an exercise program.  You found one that works for you and did it !  Wow !  That's what I want for Christmas,  - discipline !  Oh, if only it were that easy...

As soon as I am done answering these wonderful posts, I am going to order that book suggestion, thank you very much.

And Ann, you are probably right.  I should pursue some kind of counseling.  If you don't mind me asking, what kind of therapist do you see?

Thanks again, Happy Holidays and much continued success,


on 12/19/08 8:58 am
I'm scheduled for my R-band on 3/24/09.  I empathize with all the comments but would the weight come off faster if exercising?  I just recently found out that 30 minutes of water walking is equivalent to 2 hours of land walking.  That sounds right up my alley.  The most for the least!
on 12/22/08 11:48 pm
Hello !

You are so funny !

Absolutely the weight would come off faster if I exercised ! 

My husband and I just got back from Florida where our hotel had an indoor heated pool (THAT'S right up MY alley !  lol !)    I went in for the sole purpose of getting some exercise and to my amazement, all of the aches and pains I had "on land" were non existent in the water !  It was almost effortless !

I need to get my act together and fight for what I know is right - good health !

I wish you luck with your surgery on the 24th of March !  Find that pool and go for it !

Happy Holidays !

on 12/19/08 7:25 pm - Florence, KY
Cindy, your post hit home with me and in reading through every one' replies....I could not agree more with all of them.  Everyone here has given you wonderful advice and I would like to ad a little more.  Do you use the Realize My Success website?  If you have a Realize band (which I am assuming you do since you posted here) it is a wonderful tool also for goal setting and identifying behaviors for why you eat and for identifying things you can do instead of eat.  The advice about wait 20 minutes is great, along with EXERCISE!   One thing that also works really well to help your body adapt is stay on a schedule.  Eat 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours and stick to the same eating times every day.  Your body will adapt to the and you won't be near as hungry at each sitting.  Also, if you can eat until you have a back-up, you are eating way tooooooo fast and not listening to your band...don't fight the tool, make it work for you.  My angel on OH has told me over and over she struggled until she stopped fighting her band.  When you feel a tightness STOP, don't wait until you backup.  And use baby spoons to eat; that way you are forced to eat slow.  You may never get that full belly comfy emotional "fullness" you felt when you ate to be full and for comfort without your band, but what you will feel is a tightness in your chest or upper abdomen and a "I'm done...not full but done" feeling that signals you to stop.
Do you keep a food journal?   The Realize my success web site allows you to do this and for me it creates some personal accountability (I hate to let myself down).  Ask your self before you eat anything..."Since I can only eat a small amount...What is the nutritional value of this?  And is there a better choice since my quantity is limited?"  Ask it out loud if you have to and answer honestly.  I bet you will make some different choices too.
I have had 2 fills, and have 6.5cc in my band and am just now beginning to feel some restriction so hang in there.  It is different for everyone and restriction happens at different time for different people.  Don't beat yourself up....and if you fall, reflect on why you fell and choose to change one thing from it....and don't be mad that you fell.
on 12/23/08 12:08 am
Hi Sonja !

Thank you for your heartfelt post.

I did go to the Realize My Success website.  I didn't see the "identifying behaviors" part and I will give it a second look.

I think you are right, I am eating way too fast.  I seem to have abandoned the 30 minute rule somehow.  I actually forget sometimes, about the fact, that there are "rules" to be applied with the lap band. 

My first fill was 3 ccs.  My second was l.5 ccs.  I'm going for another fill on December 30th.  Hopefully, I'll start to feel more restriction after that fill.

All of your suggestions are wonderful and I am actually writing everyones' suggestions into a notebook so that I can refer back over and over and over !

Thanks again and Happy Holidays !

on 12/20/08 1:54 am

This is the first time I have come to this message board (I usually go to the KY board)...but I am sooooooo glad I visited here.  You asked the same question that I have been battling with.  All of the advice here is wonderful.  I am taking a lot of the advice myself.

on 12/23/08 12:11 am
Hi Kellie !

You're absolutely right !  The advice IS wonderful !  I'm so grateful to everyone.  Good luck, Kellie and Happy Holidays !

Titanium Blonde
on 12/20/08 3:34 am
The band is adustable that is why weight loss is a little bit slower.  Don't be so impa;tient.  You chose the best and safest surgery.  When I go to my support meetings and watch other type of surgical patients cry because of the 50 plus pounds they have gained I am glad I got the band.  Sure I lost it a little slower, but I didn't gain it back after 2 years.

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